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All Content by FutureCruzanRN

  1. Nebraska Methodist College Accelerated Program

    WooooooHoooooooo !!
  2. Nebraska Methodist College Accelerated Program

    I am getting slightly more excited everyday about school starting in January :)
  3. Do I need a BSN or will a MSN do?

    http://www.aacn.nche.edu/IDS/pdf/GENMAS.pdf This link lists many schools that offer a Masters in Nursing if a person already has a Bachelors in a non-nursing field :) Goodluck Friends !
  4. Hey AceStudent, Would you be able to tell me what your schedule was like for the program? I was recently accepted but do not have any info on what the class schedules are like. .
  5. Spring 2011 Hopefuls!!

    Goodluck everyone ! I was accepted in May 2010 for my January 2011 entry into nursing school.... Woooohoooo :)
  6. Nebraska Methodist College Accelerated Program

    Yes, you would have had to do the FAFSA.
  7. Methodist or Nebraksa Medical Center Accelerated BSN Jan 2011

    The school tells you if you have gotten any money such as grants or loans via federal government. Also, there is a scholarship department. I am still waiting as well to hear back from the departments. Sadly.
  8. Nebraska Methodist College Accelerated Program

    Has anyone gotten their financial aid package?
  9. Methodist or Nebraksa Medical Center Accelerated BSN Jan 2011

    Have you received your financial aid package yet?
  10. Methodist or Nebraksa Medical Center Accelerated BSN Jan 2011

    I believe they are small, but they are REALLY close to campus. I live in Omaha and must say housing here is EXTREMELY cheap. You could get an apartment for 415 with some utilities, but it would not be furnished as you stated. You could get a roommate...
  11. New Grads - Share your success at getting your 1st Job

    Wow. Congrats, this sounds like my dream. I am praying that my 8 years as a Cardiac Monitoring Technician will allow me to do the same as yourself !
  12. New Grads - Share your success at getting your 1st Job

    May I ask where is the hospital located at or even a name?
  13. New Grads - Share your success at getting your 1st Job

    NewTexasRN this is what I hope to do as soon as I graduate as well. I heard that there are a lot of jobs in Texas. ... Where were you originally at?
  14. Nebraska Methodist College Accelerated Program

    Thanks Mochamonster ! I called, but they don't have everything put together as yet yikes. .Thanks for the kind words though. :) Can you tell me a little bit about the program? What are your days and time commitments like?
  15. Nebraska Methodist College Accelerated Program

    I graduated in 2009 !
  16. Nebraska Methodist College Accelerated Program

    What is the preceptorship like? I am unfamiliar with this. I graduated from Creighton with an entirely different degree. Though I am not in debt as much as I could be, I was hoping that this degree would allow me to start a new path in life. I did tr...
  17. Nebraska Methodist College Accelerated Program

    Wow. I am still waiting on my financial aid from Methodist.. Every day that passes I get a bit more sad while waiting.
  18. Nebraska Methodist College Accelerated Program

    Hello anurseatleast, I am not able to send you a PM, but I have questions about paying for the programs. As someone with a previous degree, I am unsure of my ability to pay for the program. The financial aid department is also really horrible. They ...
  19. Got my Acceptance Letter!

    Congrats on your recent achievement!
  20. New grad with 2 new jobs..problem!

    I agree with your husband, but you must also see what you want to do. It is your time and you should use it how you want to. GOOD LUCK
  21. Reinstatement of License after voluntary surrender

    Good luck. I hope that you are better now to handle the pressure that occurs though. I have heard from many nurses that the pressure of nursing care has gotten worse throughout the last couple of years.
  22. Methodist or Nebraksa Medical Center Accelerated BSN Jan 2011

    Meant thread*
  23. Nebraska Methodist College Accelerated Program

    Hey Everyone, I was also accepted into the ACE Program for Jan 2011 ! Woohoo !
  24. Methodist or Nebraksa Medical Center Accelerated BSN Jan 2011

    I got into the program as well. Nebraska Methodist Jan 2011 ... I wish the person that created this tread spelled Nebraska correctly