

ICU, Hospice

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riverwink specializes in ICU, Hospice.

Livin' on the River

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  1. ICU visiting hours.. What is reasonable?

    I found having open 24/7 visiting hours to be helpful to both immediate family and pts. I have worked both day and night shifts. If you take the time to genuinely teach the families what the...
  2. Should I do CNA or LPN before I go into the ADN prgram?!

    I agree getting your CNA and working on weekends while you are getting a ADN is a good plan. However, I highly recommend staying at home while getting your ADN. You will have tons of homework once...
  3. Lutheran School Nursing

    Nikky, I recommend you apply to more than one program since it is going to take so long to find out if you are accepted. Lutheran's program is excellent, but it is always better to have additional...
  4. Difference between travel and agency??

    And Also Missouri
  5. Thanks for ruining my holiday ....

    Excellent advise from all. Sometimes what seems like your dream job is just not where you are meant to be...at this time. Blow off the losers and move on, have an awesome
  6. In need of some feedback

    I feel your pain...been there. However, what I instituted was having the family purchase a locked box, such as for money. I would fill the drug box for a week, then lock up the rest. That way you...
  7. I love Hospice nursing. I know you CAN get directly into hospice, but I agree with many of the other people that you should have a minimum of 1-2 years experience. Personally I had 3 years ICU...
  8. No, He CAN'T Wait Another 6 Hours for the Med

    Our company has a pharmacy we use that provides 24/7 coverage for meds. Since we are paying for these meds, our point is that we use the pharmacy we want...not the facility pharmacy. The list of...
  9. Greetings... Hospice Nurse Falling Apart

    Holy cow and I thought I had it bad. 12-14 pts. a day is enough to make anyone crazy! That is sooo dangerous. Glad to hear you carry extra insurance and that the work load has become more sane. I...
  10. Any Lutheran School students or future students outthere

    Yes, I felt very prepared dt the amount of time we spend on the floor in hospitals. Like you I choose LSN because of this fact and was happy I did so. I have seen many nurses start with a 4 year...
  11. Any Lutheran School students or future students outthere

    I grad. from LSN Nov, 2005. I live in St Clair, MO and traveled to LSN via Hwy 44. I highly recommend you plan to drive each day in your own car. Get off at Jefferson and go straight until you get...
  12. Lutheran school students or former grads...?

    I graduated from LSN November, 2005. You take one class at a time. It is very intense but doable. Many of the bridge students had a difficult time in my class because they did not devote 5 - 6...
  13. How Hard Is It To Get In TO Hospice Nursing?

    Bonnie I worked as an ICU nurse for 3 years before becoming a hospice nurse. I hated waiting because hospice is where my heart is. I really don't feel 10 months experience is quite enough. Try to...
  14. New RN

    I spent 3 years in ICU as a new RN before going to Hospice, and it has been valuable. But I also feel that the med-surg floor would be a good choice. My heart was in hospice when I graduated in 2005...
  15. Flooding in Iowa

    Calla my thoughts and prayers are definitely with you. My family recently survived flooding here in Missouri and the water was within 1 1/2 feet of my door...talk about scary. Our barn received over...