
jena5111 ASN, RN

Tele, Interventional Pain Management, OR


All Content by jena5111

  1. Thank you for your comment. I joined All Nurses back in July 2010 when embarking upon my nursing prerequisites was a gleam in my eye. Now I've been an RN for 4.5 years. No one reviewing my 10-year post history on this site would come to the conclusi...
  2. Passed NCLEX - but felt like you failed?

    I took my NCLEX in January 2016 having graduated from my ADN program December 2015. My cohort took a live Hurst Review the Summer prior to our last semester. So that (along with studying the Hurst workbook) was pretty much my official NCLEX prep. Sid...
  3. Age vs Years Nursing

    Age 40. Starting my fourth year as a nurse. ZERO healthcare experience prior to my first clinical rotation in nursing school circa 2014. Graduating with a BSN on August 7th (will complement my BA in English, I guess).
  4. Covid-19: The Guilt of the Work From Home Nurse

    As a neurosurgery clinic nurse, I (intermittently) feel that same guilt for not being on the front lines. I don't delude myself for one second that my currently work-from-home butt, who sees a few in-person fresh post-ops one day weekly in clinic for...
  5. Need advise regarding uncomfortable, disrespectful situation

    THIS. In my brief time as an RN circulator, I took my (abbreviated) pre-op interview seriously. That was most definitely time to catch details that had fallen through the cracks--which didn't happen often, but happened often enough to make me realize...
  6. I'm an RN in a hospital-based surgery clinic. Other hospital-based surgical specialties share our suite and hold clinic as well. Across our outpatient organization, there is a black-and-white policy that only clinical staff wear scrubs. However, a su...
  7. Totally agree. If there's some legit/above-board arrangement I'm not privy to, then cool--I am done talking about it and won't bring it up again. I don't care about getting this specific person in trouble. I want to make sure patient privacy is respe...
  8. I hear you, but a surgery scheduler/clerk who schedules elective cases in the OR should not need to witness in-office procedures to do his/her job better.
  9. I don't know tons of specifics. It sounds like a combination of a "life happens" story (husband and kids) combined with difficulty passing entrance exams. Regardless, a surgery scheduler/clerk, who arranges elective surgeries in the OR, doesn't need ...
  10. I really appreciate the responses and perspective here. I don't care about trying to get anyone into trouble, but I want to make sure rules around patient privacy are being followed. I hear what a couple of you said about shadowing being relatively c...
  11. Need advise regarding uncomfortable, disrespectful situation

    Yes, the OR circulator is supposed to do a separate/independent pre-op interview/assessment to include meds, allergies, implants, previous anesthesia experiences, understanding of procedure to be performed (site/side), and etc before wheeling the pat...
  12. I Was Fired...for Being Abrasive and Having Attitude

    THIS! I came here to say this. Lack of filter and/or having a "big personality" does not help someone become a competent nurse. Especially as a new grad without a solid nursing knowledge base. OP and those with similar thinking--keep the big per...
  13. Why do I always look high at work?

    I agree with the recommendation to see another eye doctor. In the meantime, have you tried Lumify eyedrops? They are a bit pricey (around $20 for 2 mL) but pretty widely available and, for me, quite effective at knocking out redness. Good luck!
  14. Taking a sleep aid when on call?

    Ehhhh... a sleep aid while on call. I'd say no. But then I'm the person who lapses into a semi-comatose state after a 3 mg melatonin, so...
  15. Agree that the pressure to pursue "higher education" in nursing when one already has a bachelor's degree can feel ridiculous. documentation is on point because of the degrees I already have. My reasoning skills are on point because of the s...
  16. Accused of not giving dilaudid

    When/where I worked on the floor, Dilaudid came in 2 mg/mL syringe. So wasting was pretty much ALWAYS required (sigh). And wasting required a witness, whose credentials were typed into the Pyxis along with my own. OP, did anyone SEE you waste that la...
  17. Turnover Times

    The level of emphasis on OR turnover time is absurd. It places undue stress on all OR staff and contributes to incivility among said staff. I circulated in a level 1 trauma center and encountered far more "hair-on-fire" turnover shenanigans from char...
  18. Grossed out for the first time this year

    That poor little boy, OP. He can't help the lack of adequate dental care. THAT is what sickens me, beyond whatever came out of his mouth. This is why my 18-month-old son has already been to the dentist TWICE. And we don't give him juice, candy, food...
  19. Same here! My ADN program started in mid-January and we had our first clinical day in the third week of February. Our "real" first clinical day would have taken place the week prior, but for a "snow day" (pretty absurd in Austin, TX but any trace of...
  20. Hot Cheetos are a public health menace

    **Replying to Beats BSN** The onus isn't on people to treat healthcare should treat people better. And the idea that "how some people say, children in America are starving." No, not every American child is starving, but food inse...
  21. Hot Cheetos are a public health menace

    The onus isn't on people to treat healthcare should treat people better. And the idea that "how some people say, children in America are starving." No, not every American child is starving, but food insecurity among US children i...
  22. New nurse staying way past 9:30 pm on day shift

    DO NOT pull meds for all pts at the beginning of your shift. You significantly increase your risk for med errors by doing so. A pt's MAR is a dynamic thing that can change with meds added/DC'd at any time. Also may be easy to mix up meds and pts. The...
  23. Even if you don't consider your nails a risk for patients, how do you overlook the personal risk? Despite gloves, artificial nails can harbor tons of bacteria over the course of a shift when exposed to the typical patient-care petri dish environment....
  24. Help getting in OR

    Offlabel, while this may not be the advice OP was looking are exactly right, and it's important to know this before transitioning to OR. I personally do NOT love circulating RN's hyper-focus on "procedural orthodoxy and documentation"--than...
  25. Should I ask for a raise?

    Strident insistence that one SHOULD NOT DISCUSS SALARIES is a common strategy employed by management to depress wages overall and increase $$$ for the uppermost echelon. This happens across many industries; not just in nursing. The only way out is fo...