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About Kasandra

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  1. I have to give you kudos as well: At least you are stopping, thinking about your actions, and how they will impact the care that you give to your patients. Assessing is huge. Knowing patient...
  2. What Is It Like?

    Tokmom: I liked your description as
  3. Ok this may be a rant but....

    After reading everyone's posts, everyone has me thinking: Why don't all nurses accept eachother for who they are? A BSN RN can help ASNs with how all that extra theory applies at the bedside while ASN...
  4. Blood pressure medication / checking blood pressure

    You can always invest in a portable b/p cuff that goes on the wrist. I would take the b/p before cardiac med passes to ensure that the patient's baseline has not changed (and trust me: It can, and...
  5. When does the anxiety go away???

    Keep it simple: Did you keep your patients alive? As long as they are safe and stable, you have done well at your job. Of course, in order to maintain stability, you have to give meds on time, F/U...
  6. NP preceptorship

    Wow. I start FNP studies in the Fall online. I need to start looking into preceptors, appartently. I hope that you find a preceptor! If you do not mind, keep us posted on what worked for you! I will...
  7. Nurse mommies! Need advice!

    It sounds like you have alot going on. You have one little one with maybe another on the way soon. You are right out of school, and need work experience. I agree with mustlovepoodles: I would look...
  8. Between the two shifts, I prefer night shift. It does, however, mess up my sleep schedule! On my days off, as long as I have a couple in a row off, I "flip back" to a normal nocturnal sleep pattern so...
  9. You cannot be serious. You never, ever date a patient. You are a nursing professional. You must carry yourself as one at all times. I would have to say the same about dating a fellow nurse. If they...
  10. I feel that it is simply about respecting all individuals on the team and helping eachother out. I have encountered some CNAs that have been on the floor doing patient care longer than I have been a...
  11. @redhead: I loved Bad Teacher! It was so
  12. Most, if not all, nurses have experienced passive aggressiveness because we work in a predominant female oriented specialty. Most women do not like any confrontation. Instead, they gossip, are passive...
  13. CNAs no longer doing vitals on our floor

    I am not sure what to think about this. On one hand: you know your vitals and if they need to be followed up on. There have been instances in the past where the NA did not tell me if a b/p was too...
  14. Safety vs. Satisfaction - what is really important?

    @Commuter: You did the right thing, not doubt about it. With a patient who was that "out of it" after having been given multiple pain meds, it would not have been wise to give addition pain...
  15. If you feel like your younger colleague treats you differently, simply pull her aside and ask why you perceive tension between the two of you. There may very well be an issue that exists. You will not...