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About mamabear4

mamabear4 has 16 years experience.

I am a mom, wife and busy nursing student ( LPN in July and RN April of 2013). I am eager to be a nurse as I have been a CNA since high school. I will follow in the footsteps of my grandmother who inspires me to be the best nurse possible.

Latest Activity

  1. One more week of freedom....

    Hi I start my 2nd semester next week too. On my birthday none the less! I am excited to be going back because I havent quite known what to do with my self over the last 4 weeks. I mean there is only...
  2. Minot ND information

    Hi all I live in ND and I consider myself from the Minot area, currently I live by Fargo. COL up there is higher than anywhere else in the state due to the flood that happened last summer and the oil...
  3. Considering moving to ND

    The base pay for ND is good. I dont know what the differential is, but if you got the info from the recruiter then its probably right. Yes it does get very cold here. There have been some months in...
  4. New Grad in LTC - Feeling Overwhelmed (21 pts)

    At the LTC facility I worked at last year, as an aid, there was 39 residents to 1 nurse. I made up my mind that when I got my nursing license there was NO way I would ever work
  5. I'm so excited

    congrats and good
  6. I'm so excited

    good luck to you
  7. I'm so excited

    ~~~~I'm so excited and I just cant hide it!~~~~ After much worry and hard work doing all my prereq's in 2 semesters I will officially start nursing school in few weeks!! I have orientation the first...
  8. Microbiology

    I am just finishing my micro class. I took only that one this summer and I am glad that I did! Our prof said you should spend 24 hours a week on micro, I spent more like 35-40 hours. I have a B+ and...
  9. What does your username mean?

    I have 4 boys and once I was told that someone would be really stupid to mess with my kids because I would attack like a mama bear.
  10. Looking for some Wall Sayings

    Here are some of my favorites: Ten tiny little fingers that always want to play, That never stop exploring the wonder of today. Ten tiny little fingers that from the very start, Will reach out for...
  11. nursing specialties

    I am also a nursing student and have been a CNA for a long time. I always enjoyed LTC and ALF but since I have to have hospital experience I am REALLY interested in OR. I don't honestly think I could...
  12. Just want to share the news; I got a JOB

  13. Where are you at in MN? Minn State Community and Tech offers the Associates RN. Then you can do 9 more months online through MSU-Moorhead for your BSN. I am going to MSCTC for my RN and then I will be...