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All Content by JJ1477

  1. Broward College August 2010

    yogagirl: Did you pick up the list recently? I want to make sure I am buying the "updated" versions of the books and not the old edition cause you know last minute the school likes to spring on you "oh, we have a new edition of that book".. ugh. Th...
  2. Broward College August 2010

    Wow, that is a huge book list. Central has not sent out anything in regards to our booklist or supplies needed yet. We have orientation the friday before school starts but i don't think that is enough time to get the supplies needed. Can you PM me or...
  3. Broward College August 2010

    Congrats!! and thank you NMG. I was planning on going to Uniform Advantage and picking up a pair, just wasn't sure what was allowed.
  4. Broward College August 2010

    I believe we still have to attend the central campus orientation if that is the campus you are going to... Also, does anyone know what type of shoes we need? I know they have to be all white but I don't think we can wear crocs..
  5. Broward College August 2010

    Is anyone taking the math class thats a REVIEW for nurses? The course number is CAE0298. I believe the classes are full for summer but was wondering if anyone is taking it so I can find out the times and day of it so I can show up and maybe the profe...
  6. Broward College August 2010

    haha, i can't figure out how to send you a private message. Are you going to the 9am orientation?
  7. Broward College August 2010

    I was wondering the same thing! maybe trade numbers, PM me. :)
  8. Broward College August 2010

    Me too, but I think I am going to go to central (fingers crossed) hence all the horror stories. As long as you put your mind and all efforts into it, then you should be able to get through it.
  9. Broward College August 2010

    I will be at that one as well, so I will see you there. I really don't know why they are doing the two sessions, my guess was that they cant fit everyone into the classroom, i don't know. ... I feel like they are unorganized this semester, its crazy....
  10. books for broward college nursing program

    hey nursing affair, i just saw your post. I also will be starting in august 2010. Did anyone PM you and give you the pros and cons yet? Let me know, thank you! Also, what campus do you intend on going to? :)
  11. Broward College August 2010

    I did see that someone else mentioned that they were bringing their parent as well... I live about the same distance from south campus as i do from central campus but i think central campus is nicer in my opinion. I know, I heard the same about North...
  12. Broward College August 2010

    Awesome, so now I know I am not the only one, haha. See you there. What campus are you hoping to go to ? I hear bad things about Central but i would rather the professors be harder than easier on us. It will allow us to be more prepared in the long r...
  13. Broward College August 2010

    I cannot believe that some students had "pre-admission" as their status and then they changed in back to application in review.. That is crazy and unfair! I hope those that it happened to still get accepted. Another question, is anyone bringing their...
  14. Broward College August 2010

    Congrats to everyone who got accepted in Aug 2010! I also received the pre admission email.. See you all on July st!