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About cecilsgirl

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  1. SNF/LTC new nurse needs advice

    Not sure what State you are from, but if we can't give a med and if the patient is not his own decision maker, we MUST call the Dr. for an omit
  2. As if I am not busy enough!

    It seems to be the norm sometimes with nursing in long term. Family also can be like that, they just think you have nothing better to do. I don't mean to sound cold but we get stopped with narcs out...
  3. Nurse pressing charges

    I was told once I had cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes, at that time I had no Idea how long I would be here, I would of expected arrest if I had done that, what the heck? Cancer is NOT an...
  4. Ranting!...

    Was it Mom or Dad,... who use to say??, or the bible..."Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" sorry if this isn't quoted word for word) and someone said once,"Two wrongs don't make a...
  5. Theme music

    "Riding the Storm
  6. I quit in the middle of my shift....

    you can quit a job half way through a shift, you let them know, last time I looked this is still a free country, why is it nurses ( some) think it is such a sin to just
  7. Is being an LPN REALLY that bad?

    I love being an LPN, I work under RN's, they handle all admissions, and acute assessments, most incidents ect.. I make 49,000 a year, great FREE insurance and vacation/ comp time/sick pay -- all...
  8. In the spirit of recent optimism, what is your true love?

    of coause God, Family, friends , ,then it is my Dog, and those wonderful flowers that bloom, and the garden to feed my family, the tulips who smile up to you. ahhhh--- I love Spring! happy May day...
  9. Who speaks up for the Nursing Profession ?

    Good post! and med errors are also in long term nursing where the nurse has 50 patients to pass meds to , and all the stuff they put up with too. It is not just the hospitals that burn the nurse out....
  10. I am a new LPN

    Abd. thrusts ( Heimlich sp?) should not be done if there is any coughing at all, or noise being made from the patient/resident. Was there? Good luck on your new job, it will get better, and I know...
  11. What is your current LPN salary

    22 an hour and FREE awesome health insurance, I think when you ask about wages-- bennifits are important to mention
  12. Nurses-How to be a blessing as a CNA?

    Don't tattle! I don't how much time is lost on NA's caring WAY too much what others are doing, and I don't have time to be a pre-school teacher and a Nurse! I know sometimes you have to, but most...
  13. Nurses working without health insurance

    I'm lucky -my Employer pays 100 percent of my insurance, and it is awesome. this may change someday, but for now I am loving
  14. The moment when you know why you're a nurse

    It is right before christmas, I just fed a little sweet alzheimers lady, ( advanced) I sing a few short verses of a carol, she bends toward me and gives me the sweetest little kiss on my cheek, and...
  15. How to tell my clinical manger i need time off for a lumpectomy

    OP, good luck to you, remember this, one can't loose their job, ( or they are not suppose to) due to cancer treatment, ( if that is what you are going through) No matter what, your life is more...