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About procrastin8r-RN

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  1. Need Advice

    Thanks to everyone who responded to my post...I don't know what I would without you all considering that I don't have ant family member or close friend who's a nurse. I want to be good nurse and the best nurse that I can be that all. I will take heed...
  2. Need Advice

    Thanks for all of the advice I truly appreciate it. I do understand that the real world of nursing is sooooo much different than nursing school. I do understand Brenner's stages of nurse development also. I know that I am a novice and will be for a w...
  3. Need Advice

    Hello fellow RN's- I need your help preferably from experienced nurses but any advice is welcomed. I am a new grad RN and am on week 4 of a 6 week orientation. The first 3 weeks were going fine. I had one preceptor who was fabulous. I have now switch...
  4. Taking NCLEX tomorrow

    I PASSED!!!! The PVT worked for me. I took the test yesterday and it shut off at 75. I came home did the PVT and got the good pop-up. 24 hours after I tested my license is "ACTIVE". So I believe the trick works. Thanks to all who responded to my po...
  5. Nclex RN September/ October 2010 study athletes

    Update I PASSED!!!!! The PVT worked for me. I took the test yesterday and found out today that I am an RN.
  6. Nclex RN September/ October 2010 study athletes

    Hello All I took my nclex yesterday and the test shut off at 75 questions. I did the PVT and got the good- pop up and am still getting the good pop-up. I'm still skeptical about it, I will feel better once I know for sure. That test was rough. I fel...
  7. Today is the Day!

    Congratulations I hope I'm able to say the same thing tomorrow.
  8. Taking NCLEX tomorrow

    Tara,LPN- thanks
  9. Testing on 9/11, going for my 2nd attempt

    smith1 and dirrtyxris, good luck on your retest. I have not taken my test yet d-day is tomorrow for me. I don't know if ya'll are familiar with lacharity but alot of people say that it was a lifesaver for them and the infection control mneumonic. So ...
  10. Today is the Day!

    No problem:) I will try to relax. I feel relaxed right know. I feel good like I will PASS. I'll see how long it lasts.
  11. Taking NCLEX tomorrow

    dirrtyxris, thanks I hope you're right on that.
  12. Nclex RN September/ October 2010 study athletes

    Hello group Just letting ya'll know that I will be taking the nclex tomorrow and I'm scared out of my mind. I have been away for awhile studying. I'm soooooo tired of studying. To bring people up to speed I have been studying from lacharity, saunde...
  13. Today is the Day!

    I know where you're coming from. I will be in your place tomorrow. Seems like you have a great game plan and I will say a prayer for you. Good luck!!!
  14. Taking NCLEX tomorrow

    Hello all just chiming in to let everyone know that I will be taking the nclex tomorrow at 12pm. i haven't been here in awhile to post because I was studying. I've seen many people post that on the day before you test to just relax and not do any stu...
  15. Nclex RN September/ October 2010 study athletes

    Hello all Just popping in to let you guys know that I have scheduled my nclex for September 9th. I'm super nervous and excited and scared all rolled up into one. I've got 30 days to study hardcore before the big day. I already fell sick just thinking...