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  1. To all the CTICU nurses -- How did you end up breaking into CTICU? I know the job market is pretty tight right now but jeesh! I am having a really hard time even scoring an interview for a CTICU....
  2. PRN pay

    The per diem pay rates in Southern NJ are pretty competitive. Most hospitals down here are unionized, which helps. You can view local contracts for various hospitals at Health Professionals &...
  3. UMDNJ vs. Thomas Jefferson University

    Lynn -- I think its a great idea for the SON to have someone on these boards to help answer questions, as many pre-NP students turn to these boards when looking for information from their fellow...
  4. I forgot one of the most important parts -- We need to know that basic information so we can adequately care for the patient while he/she is critically ill. Knowing baseline information vs. current...
  5. Let me begin by telling you -- I began my career on a tele unit where I routinely cared for 5-6 patients a night. I currently work FT in the SICU at a large community hospital and I also work per deim...
  6. CMC Cardiac Medicine Subspecialty Certification

    Thanks Ms. B! And yes! I did my celebrating last
  7. CMC Cardiac Medicine Subspecialty Certification

    A suggestion that I will give you is that, knowing you dont routinely work in the ICU, you'll really need to brush up on your hemodynamic values and how to interpret them (CVP, RAP, PAS, PAD, PAOP,...
  8. INR increasing...without anticoagulation?

    Warfarin pretty much interacts with EVERYTHING. Two drugs that come to mind are levoquin and
  9. CMC Cardiac Medicine Subspecialty Certification

    I PASSED!! I did notice on my score report that they DID increase the cut score from 51 to 52. And the exam was DIFFICULT. Moreso in my opinion than CCRN just because it's SO focused and in depth....
  10. CMC Cardiac Medicine Subspecialty Certification

    Ms. B -- thank you for all of the wonderful information! It helped me guide my studying nicely along with the review course I took at my hospital! I'm on my way to take the exam now! Will let everyone...
  11. CMC Cardiac Medicine Subspecialty Certification

    NC -- I actually moved my test date up to this Monday! I'll let you know how it
  12. CMC Cardiac Medicine Subspecialty Certification

    Wow -- You thought it was harder then CCRN?! I might have to start taking this a little more
  13. CMC Cardiac Medicine Subspecialty Certification

    Thats what I was thinking,
  14. SEWRN -- Congrats on the job offer! In todays job market I would tell you to take any job you are offered, just to get your foot in the door! It seems, from reading your post, your torn between a...
  15. CMC Cardiac Medicine Subspecialty Certification

    Hey NCcardiacNurse -- What type of ICU do you work in? I researched on the boards a bit and it seems as though the general consensus is that the CMC subspec exam is a little easier than the CCRN, but...