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  1. Am I asking for the impossible??

    I just got finished living in central Texas for the past 8 years and I am from Western Mass. and I spent many many summers in the mountains of New Hampshire. I can tell you as far as scenery/mountains...
  2. Moving to Texas is not a good deal for nurse

    I live in central Texas and pay $3000 yearly for property taxes on a $115,000 dollar house. I will agree that even though we have no income tax, I find the property taxes here a bit high. Plus, our...
  3. Who Watches ER?

    I like ER. I watch grey's anatomy also, but lately that show has been making me upset. They portray the docs as the ones who do everything for the patient. Last time I watched Dr. Yang went into the...
  4. Nursing? May not have any other choice.

    Trust me, there is a reason why you see a lot of job openings for nurses in your area and sign on bonuses. I am willing to bet its not because there are not enough nurses in your area...its because...
  5. What I Hate About Nursing Is...

    What I dislike the most is going into work hardly having a chance to get organized, then going out on the floor and running my butt off for the entire shift hardly being able to get a sip of water,...
  6. If I had to do it all over again, I would just go for RN. It depends where you want to work though. If you want to work in LTC you could find a job as an LVN. I knew I wanted to work in a hospital...
  7. Patient Died from Med Allergy

    I'm sorry this happened to you. It could happen to any of us. To BinkieRN- Yes, we can ask patients what their allergies are, but sometimes patients are unresponsive, or simply do not know what their...
  8. A name for Computer on Wheels

    honestly, what will people think to complain of next??!! pretty soon we will all be walking on eggshells around our patients, because we might do something that "offends them". I've had patients...
  9. Patient with maggots in head

    We didnt use anything to scoop them out. The docs were aware of this and pretty much said the maggots were doing their job....even though the patient had them pretty much falling out of the wound onto...
  10. Patient with maggots in head

    I have seen this before in a patient I once had. It was an unusual situation as the patient had let this tumor go on for years and it had pretty much eaten away at the side of his face. When I did wet...
  11. Not Sure If Nursing Is For Me

    What are the things that made you want to go into nursing? The real world of nursing is a lot different then most of us imagine before we enter school. You may be able to find jobs like in the OR...
  12. I Am Disturbed

    Well I commented on that post, I dont think the comment I made was too critical, but I admit I did get a bit peeved, because I felt like whenever someone tried to explain something to him, he came...
  13. Thats not all there is to dealing with people's lives. We have to be able to assess patients and take necessary steps when we feel a patient is deteriorating. The doctors are not there unless we call...
  14. Military wife needs advice

    Hi, I am also a fellow military wife and contemplating what I'm going to do. Right now I am pregnant, but would like to go back to working maybe 6 months after I have my baby, but my husband will be...
  15. Not to be rude, but you also have no idea the meaning of stress in the nursing world. I get its stressful not knowing if you are going to get paid or not, but there is a different kind of stress in...