cayenne06 MSN, CNM

Reproductive & Public Health

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All Content by cayenne06

  1. cayenne06

    Pro Life Beliefs and Nursing

    I perform abortions. Rarely, there are complications. I can assure you that my patients are well informed of the risks of abortion. I am sure my patients are more thoroughly counseled than someone undergoing a colonoscopy, which is significantly mor...
  2. cayenne06

    Non compliance?

    Its very patronizing IMO, to assume you have that much responsibility for your patients' actions. We dont have *any* kind of authority over their choices.
  3. cayenne06

    Non compliance?

    Thats craziness! People can whatever they want to. Our job is to ensure they understand WHY we recommend a certain diet, as well as the consequences of not following it. Its also our job to try and identify and address any barriers the patient might...
  4. cayenne06

    Marijuana usage by parents in NICU

    Really?! Smoking in the NICU bathroom?! That is mindboggling to me. Go to your car or something
  5. cayenne06

    Do you wear open toed shoes as an NP?

    See, I knew it! My hinky feeling was right.
  6. cayenne06

    Attending births with a CPM

    Good luck, I hope it goes well for you! If you want to share what state you are in, I might be able to provide more info.
  7. cayenne06

    Do you wear open toed shoes as an NP?

    I wear closed toed shoes. My job can occasionally get a bit messy even during a routine office visit, and I also do a *lot* of procedures. However I think open toed shoes are appropriate in most outpatient settings. Kind of related, but not really...
  8. cayenne06

    Evaluation and Treatment of Mental Illness in Primary Care

    In our primary care site, every patient is screened with a PHQ and if it is positive, the issue is *always* addressed. Depending on what they are originally there for, management might be initiated DOS or they might schedule a follow up to address it...
  9. cayenne06

    Attending births with a CPM

    Speaking as a former CPM, I would tread cautiously here. In some states (like in FL where I practiced), CPMs are licensed. If that's the case you could legally assist them in a nursing role. In most states they are unregulated, which means you would ...
  10. cayenne06

    Is there a "nursing for dummies" type book?

    At what point do you accumulate enough experience that you no longer need to look things up?? We need to know the basics down pat, so we can react immediately. We need to be deeply fluent in the common procedures/drugs/medical conditions etc we expe...
  11. cayenne06

    Is there a "nursing for dummies" type book?

    I hate this rule! If they don't want us to carry personal phones they should issue hospital smart phones preloaded with reference apps and supervised google search. You *cannot* practice safely relying on paper references anymore. Things change too q...
  12. cayenne06

    Universal Deathcare.

    My heart goes out to this family. I have been infuriated by most of the media coverage here. This case has NOTHING to do with universal health care coverage. Zero. It's about the rights of the parents, the rights of the child, and the rights of the d...
  13. Legality aside, we all know it is bad idea to take other people's prescription medication and I am sure I don't have to explain why. However, many people face *significant *barriers to accessing medical care. I can easily understand why someone migh...
  14. cayenne06

    POA / Guardian abuse

    Wait, what?! A POA cant direct you to withold PO fluid or nutrition to a patient that can indicate (verbally or through body language ) that they want it!!!! Even if they are at the bedside. Right?!? Jeez i hope i am right.
  15. cayenne06

    Why do some practices prefer PAs to NPs?

    Agreed. I just had a new NP grad orient with me and i was...kinda shocked. She was let go during her orientation but i feel it cheapens our credential, that it is so easy to become an APRN. And its just as easy to get a DNP! Why are we lowering the ...
  16. cayenne06

    Wearing gloves with HIV positive patients

    I think a lot of us (well, at least me) get a little defensive about this issue because of the crushing social shunning that HIV pos people have historically endured. The way the story is presented by the OP, her instructor is telling her to take ex...
  17. cayenne06

    Why do some practices prefer PAs to NPs?

    Unfortunately I agree. I'd like to see *significantly* more clinical hours for APRNs in general. I don't think prior nursing experience is enough to make up the deficit. PAs seem to be few and far between in OBGYN, at least in my area. I work in GYN...
  18. cayenne06

    Cautious ask: If you hated being a RN, would you enjoy NP?

    I absolutely adore my work as a midwife. I did not get the same enjoyment as an RN, even though I was working in LDRP. The work is *completely* different. Even if I hadn't gone on to become a CNM, I would still have taken my nursing career away from ...
  19. cayenne06


    I think you are going to run into the same struggles, no matter what type of job you do. Nothing you are describing sounds nursing specific. You really might benefit from putting some work into developing your professional interpersonal skills so you...
  20. cayenne06

    Need some help....

    It's very patient specific. Their medical diagnoses gives you a starting point, but you have to look at the whole picture. For some patients, their teaching needs may have little to do with their medical problems. What are your ideas so far? Happy t...
  21. cayenne06

    CNM vs WHNP vs Having Both

    I've had NP and PA students rotate with me, but I am getting my first CNM student next spring! SO excited!!!!
  22. cayenne06

    Multiple prn pain meds requested all at the same time

    What made you uncomfortable about the situation? Are you concerned that she might be seeking a high, as opposed to pain relief? If so, who cares?! She can get high, she's in HOSPICE for goodness sake. I mean really. In terms of resp depression, I wo...
  23. cayenne06

    Thoughts on Treating Withdrawal Symptoms with Meds

    Why do you believe this? Opioid dependence is NOT the same as being a drug addict. Addiction is a behavior pattern. Dependence is a disorder that is TREATABLE through medication and therapy. The goal is not to be free of opiates, per se. It is to i...
  24. cayenne06

    ICU to OB or Med Surg to OB

    I'd vote for ICU too. L&D is a different animal than other types of nursing, but ICU nursing can prepare you for the one-to-one, high acuity hands-on care that is needed in L&D, especially in the high risk cases. Even a normal, straightforwa...
  25. cayenne06

    When to get a degree in Midwifery?

    Maybe in some alternate universe where I am a responsible and logical adult, I would have finished my degree before I had kids, for various reasons that may or may not apply to you. But that baby fever is a powerful thing that is not easily quieted w...