cayenne06 MSN, CNM

Reproductive & Public Health

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All Content by cayenne06

  1. cayenne06

    Birthing gowns

    Agreed, wear whatever you want as long as it's something that can come off or move aside without too much fuss. I wouldn't buy a birthing gown because that sounds like a waste of money to me, when a nightgown or PJs would work just as well. However,...
  2. cayenne06

    How do you change a diaper without waking a baby up?

    Is there a medical reason for such frequent changes? And if so, is there any other way to meet the medical need without so much sleep interruption? We should be doing everything possible to avoid unecessary poking and prodding at night. I would neve...
  3. cayenne06

    Need Help. Is this a reasonable travel pay package?

    15 dollars an hour? Is that for real? I don't know much about travel nursing so maybe that's standard. i know you get stipends (untaxed i think?) for living expenses, so that may explain the low hourly rate? 800 a week sounds bananas.
  4. cayenne06

    When they're SO sure they're right...

    Because they have "done their research." Hours of googling, we should all be very impressed. Sigh. I cannot even with this bullhockey. Vaccine denial is a hulksmash issue for me, because I drank that koolaid when my kids were little. They didn't get...
  5. cayenne06

    MD vs DO

    This is, thankfully, not generally true. DOs definitely have a history in pseudoscience but they have become mainstream medical doctors who practice science based care. Indistinguishable in practice. I am sure there are still some hold outs but hopef...
  6. cayenne06

    Any Mormon/LDS nurses here? I need help?

    I feel like half the responders didn't even read the OP. What the heck? I am an atheist, and still there's been *many* times I've been in the OPs shoes. Religion is not the issue here; the OP is speaking about work/life balance and nowhere is she a...
  7. i 100000% agree with your point here. But, i couldn't let the bolded go unquestioned. That research *has* been done. What makes you think other professions are "afraid" to go there? I hope i am wrong but i am sensing you might have some misundersta...
  8. cayenne06

    Difference between CNA & LPN

    When needed, even us APRNs change briefs and do personal care, help patients to the toilet, fetch ice chips, all that stuff. It is *always* part of your job to make sure a patient is clean, comfortable, and as content as possible. But yes, if you are...
  9. cayenne06

    Feel like I don't know anything

    There is *never* a time when you stop having questions! Being comfortable with this reality is what comes with experience. Gods help me if there comes a day when I have the hubris to think i've learned it all.
  10. cayenne06

    CNA, CMA, or Phlebotomy before nursing school?

    Any job that involves interfacing with the public will be helpful, especially in settings where emotions can run high. Those interpersonal skills take a long time to master, and being good at it will definitely serve you well in nursing school. Of...
  11. cayenne06

    Working in a small practice, and the employees are rude.

    Its almost always better to address these things directly, and in the moment, even if it makes you cringe. Be respectful, clear and consistent with your expectations from day one. The longer you put it off, the more awkward it gets. However, since y...
  12. cayenne06

    Pro Life Beliefs and Nursing

    And this is a shame. Early abortions, both aspiration and medication, are straightforward and low risk. Well within the scope of any competent GYN provider who wants to learn how. There is no *medical* reason for it to be segregated from the rest of ...
  13. cayenne06

    DNP program

    A doctorate is supposed to be difficult and time consuming. It is supposed to mark you as an expert in the field. Cheap and fast is not what you want out of a terminal degree. I am not a fan of the DNP credential and you just illustrated why. You ar...
  14. cayenne06

    Student loans killing me!! stressed!

    OMG the tightwad gazette. You better believe I rinse my plastic bags and reuse them! Love her so much. Dave Ramsey's snowball idea really helped me get a handle on my debt. I work 2 jobs and sometimes get discouraged at how much goes to my debts, but...
  15. cayenne06

    Essential oils in hospitals

    For sure. Nice smells make us feel relaxed and happy, but what smells good to me might be offensive to you. Strong scents are not appropriate for enclosed spaces full of people. Outside of work, my go-to "perfume" is vanilla extract and ground cinamm...
  16. cayenne06

    Pro Life Beliefs and Nursing

    We only do medication abortions at my site, so protestors are rare and its usually a nice old couple who sit quietly in lawn chairs. I dont even know if the patients realize they are protesting lol. I always wish I could just invite them in to spend ...
  17. cayenne06

    Attending births with a CPM

    I had multiple RNs work as birth assistants for me when I was a CPM, because I was licensed. However most states do not license CPMs (for good reason IMO). So yes, the RN would be the licensed provider in that scenario and it would be inappropriate ...
  18. cayenne06

    Anyone else try urgent care and hate it?

    Appointments can be hard to get at primary care, especially in areas with low medicaid reimbursement rates. Hardly anyone will take medicaid so they doctors that do are beyond capacity. Or they might be able to reach UC on a bus line, but walk a long...
  19. cayenne06

    NP contract? salary with no holiday pay?

    Legal or not, it doesn't sound very appealing. Its all to their benefit, they didn't even give you any token scraps. 8 days off in a whole year?! Only 3 sick days?! No holiday pay?! Will you be docked if you have to leave early or come in late?! Do t...
  20. cayenne06

    Doctor Hiring NP's

    It is *not* eating your young to advocate for a more standardized and rigorous process for entry into practice. *WE* should be policing our own profession, and I would argue we are setting our aspiring APRNs up for failure by allowing such watered do...
  21. cayenne06

    EBP topic help

    Pick something you are interested about, and go from there. If it was me I'd be focusing on primary prevention, maybe evaluating different strategies to reduce unintended pregnancies and rates of STIs in adolescents and young adults. Or evaluating th...
  22. cayenne06

    Safe Harbor and a Pedi/ICU harbor

    When I was an RN I used zip down to assess patients on other services regularly, including PACU. It might just be a quick check and consult, but if they were acute in any way (immediate postpartum period included), I'd stay at the bedside until thing...
  23. cayenne06

    Doctor Hiring NP's

    Agree with Fullglass about the importance of a thorough process for assessing potential new hires, especially new grads. I tend to disgree about the importance of RN background. I had almost 10 years experience as both an RN in L&D as well as a l...
  24. cayenne06

    Tearing my hair out over noncompliant DM2 patients!

    Oh my gosh YES. The hubris, it burns. I used to be a naturopathic-type midwife, so i know of what i speak and can talk about it for hours and hours. And HOURS. Its unethical and immoral- and dangerous, sometimes astoundingly so. Check out naturop...
  25. cayenne06

    Pro Life Beliefs and Nursing

    Hi five sister. I care deeply for my patients and find my job to de profoundly satisfying - personally and professionally. I work hard to reduce the need for abortion by giving women the tools and education to control their fertility. Abortion is o...