cayenne06 MSN, CNM

Reproductive & Public Health

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All Content by cayenne06

  1. cayenne06

    Integrative Medicine - is it legal?

    Which treatments are you interested in specifically? I used to practice naturopathic/alternative health care so I am intimately familiar with this topic. I really encourage you to look at this from an ethical framework, legalities aside. Because le...
  2. cayenne06

    Accidental Mistake- UGH

    With these kinds of things, skip the emailing and head straight for the phone. I bet if you speak to someone they can straighten it right out for you with little hassle? I am sure these things come up all the time. Not the same issue, but I was stru...
  3. cayenne06

    Case Study: HIPAA violation or not?

    The problem here is not the photo per se. It is how the photo was obtained- by a student, on a personal cell phone. This is just wrong, HIPAA or not. As a student, you don't take pictures of people who are vulnerable and reliant on you for care. 100...
  4. cayenne06

    CNM and WHNP dual program

    hahahahahaha omg so true.
  5. cayenne06

    CNM and WHNP dual program

    A CNM can do everything a WHNP can do, plus catch babies. I can't think of anything to gain by having both. Is there a specific reason you want both? I would think a better dual cert would be CNM and FNP if you want a broader knowledge base. I've al...
  6. cayenne06

    Nurse Practitioner working without a MA

    That is just mind boggling to me- I can't bill insurance for transcribing blood pressures or filling out prior auths! Admin wants me to have a solid support team so I can spend my time seeing patients- i.e, generating revenue (Providing higher qualit...
  7. cayenne06

    Did this patient overreact?!

    Troll. This is just beyond the pale.
  8. cayenne06

    Prescribing Far Off Label

    YES. Avoid at all costs. What this person is doing is unethical and unacceptable.
  9. cayenne06

    Feminine Hygiene for 4th Grade?

    Can you imagine if we had to rely on donations to keep up a supply of toilet paper?!?!?! WHY are menstrual products treated differently. Can't the school just, you know, BUY SOME PADS?!?!?!
  10. cayenne06

    Medical/nursing shows/critical thinking shows...

    Hahaha me too. I love seeing the docs draw blood and do their own MRIs, lmao. And has House never heard of working up a DDx?? WHY does he insist on attacking each diagnosis, one by one, with such certainty?!
  11. cayenne06

    Vaccine controversy

    YES. This. Anything less is patronizing. They deserve to know the real information, they deserve our expert opinions. It is easy to walk away from the talk- nonvaxxers are on high alert to defend their choice. But it is our job to give them the inf...
  12. cayenne06

    Trans Patient

    WHAT?! Why is this a trans-specific issue? WHY IN THE WORLD would a trans person be more likely to whip out their junk than anyone else?? Patients prone to sexual misconduct should be managed appropriately. I don't understand why you would single o...
  13. cayenne06

    Vaccine controversy

    I *was* that anti-vax mom, I am embarrased to say. It took a looong time for me to realize how wrong I was. My kids' pediatrician never once questioned me on my decision to not vaccinate. I wish they had; maybe I would have come around sooner. Maybe...
  14. cayenne06


    I thought I was clear with my comment re: unfit providers. I was careful to state that I will happily train and guide any new provider, as long as they are equally invested. Unfit means completely unaware of what they do not know, unsafe practice, an...
  15. cayenne06

    Please help!!! New NP Dilemma :(

    JUST SAY NO. Say it nicely but firmly. No no no no. Management should give them a mandatory half day of EHR training, if this minor task is really such a hurdle for them. Or you could offer to walk them through it the next handful of times they do it...
  16. cayenne06


    Discipline a colleague? What?! I am not sure I understand what you mean. Are you in a management role in addition to patient care? My fellow APRNs and I are a team- we support each other and help each other learn when we make mistakes. I've had som...
  17. cayenne06

    Trans Patient

    No no, she is a woman. She is not male. She belongs in the female section. There is NO reason for the status of her genitals to even be an issue here. Trans people are at HIGH risk of sexual assault and general discrimination/harrassment. Give her...
  18. cayenne06

    Mom takes forever to pickup

    I worked a short stint as a school nurse for teenagers with mental health and behavioral issues, so I totally get the frustration/annoyance of having a kid hanging out in your work space. But I have a full patient load every day. Maybe this makes me...
  19. cayenne06

    Who will do CNS role?

    What is the role of a CNS exactly? What makes CNS scope/training unique enough to merit its own, dedicated APRN certification? I am geniunely asking, I can't find a clear answer. It seems akin to nurse educators/managers/administators- no one is ...
  20. cayenne06

    Discrepancies between job and contract? I was lied to!

    New clinicians need to be supported so they can excel at their job (and, you know, not accidentally harm a patient). It speaks *volumes* that they sent you out on your own so quickly. Huge red flag for a ziliion different reasons. Mine does. 830-4...
  21. cayenne06

    Advice please

    I totally understand the stress! But the previous posters are right- take a step back and look at the big picture. These are things you are *more* than qualified to do. The only real problem is getting trained. It should be no big deal to adjust your...
  22. cayenne06

    Therapy dogs and Allergies

    I am not sure what you mean by this? Is it that you don't feel we take allergies seriously in this day and age? It doesn't have to be either/or. Therapy animals can have important and measurable effects on quality of life for kids struggling with tr...
  23. cayenne06

    Therapy dogs and Allergies

    What is your policy for things like peanut allergies? Obv an allergy to dander is not in any way comparable, but i'd imagine it would be handled similarly, with seating rearrangements and hygeine policies etc. Parents can brush the dog every morning ...
  24. cayenne06

    Homeless working the system, multiple admissions

    Listen. *Nobody* wants to be homeless. *Nobody* wants to be addicted to meth. Literally nobody. Our system is f****** to such an alarming degree; how can we blame people for trying to game it?? Its a societal issue, and we can only do so much as heal...
  25. cayenne06

    I want to quit

    I worked FT or almost FT throughout nursing school, with two young children (one with a serious physical disability), AND was pregnant with twins during the program (a surrogacy, which I actually decided to do to help me pay for school). I also have...