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All Content by rachelrae155

  1. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Hello all. It looks like the UND research methods class has closed. I guess I'll be taking the University of Washington course. IThe UND course should be offered in the fall though, so if that's something you'd be interested in doing for the fal...
  2. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I actually just got an email back from Julie and the research methods course offered by the University of North Dakota will be accepted. So, if any of you are interested, I'm going to see if you can still register. If not, it might be a good option...
  3. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I found an online research methods course (Psych 303) offered by University of North Dakota. It starts May 16 and ends (I think) June 24th. It's about $330/credit hour and is a four-hour course (in-state and out-of-state pay the same price). I'm tryi...
  4. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Just out of curiousity...I know classes will officially start in January, but does anyone know the actual start date?
  5. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    This is a second career for me too. I was doing public relations/community outreach for a non-profit in Chicago, but quit my job when I decided I wanted to focus on getting my RN/APN and took a lower position within the same organization (the hours ...
  6. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I am originally from Columbus, OH (go Buckeyes!!), but I have lived in Chicago for almost five years now. I currently live in the West Loop and love it (as it's close to school and close to downtown). If any of you are considering a move to Chicago...
  7. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    RMWC -- yup, that was me! I was the one who was worried I had missed something since all the 9:00 interviewees had congregated in the lobby. I'm glad we'll be classmates this Jan!! Congrats!!
  8. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    RMWC -- when did you interview? I'm wondering if we bumped into each other. I interviewed at 9:30 on Apr. 4th.
  9. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Hi ruthieb -- Mine was sent by Julie Kim. I'm not sure if other people recieved anything from the specialization area or not. Hope that helps!
  10. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Softenny -- You're going to do great! There are so many schools out there and so many paths you can take to become a nurse practitioner. You'll get there! And remember, you just started, so don't lose hope this early in the game!
  11. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Congratualtions to everyone!! I am so excited. Anyone else for adult/geri?? We need to connect!!!
  12. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Wellll...I got in too!! Yay! :)
  13. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Thanks buzzj!! I appreciate the rec! :) I don't have a car, so it might be kinda hard for me to get to the Oakton campus, but I'll definitely look into it.
  14. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Swimmer21--I applied for the adult/geri track. I'm hoping to hear some good news today, but if not I will apply to other programs - I'll get to NP somehow!! UIC would be a fan-flipping-tastic option, but it's also the only option I was able to apply...
  15. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Swimmer21 - I will likely be applying for Rush also! I'd love to be able to just pick up and apply to schools that are out of state (especially schools that are located near a coastline), but I'm kinda tied down to Chicago for a while. Promise - I ...
  16. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Me too!! Well, fingers crossed that we find out today that we'll be classmates in January :)
  17. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Dancer - I hope that your feeling is right and that today will be the end of waiting! :) Also, if you don't mind me asking, which specialty did you apply for?
  18. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Ahhhh...got it.
  19. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    What is the good thing that came of it (your obsessing)? Did I miss something??!! Also, I would like to add that everytime I get an email notification from this thread, I think I have a minor stroke.
  20. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Good luck to everyone tomorrow!! I hope we all get some fantastic news!! :)
  21. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    RMWC - I'm so glad someone on here has also applied for the adult/geriatric track! It will be good to know on Monday if someone else also has or hasn't heard anything back who applied for the same track! Fingers crossed for good news on Monday!! :)
  22. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I am taking my classes at Harold Washington College. I've heard a lot of people complain about Malcolm X. I've liked my A&P classes there so far (I'm taking the second half right now). My current teacher (Prof. Asadi) does oncolgy research at UI...
  23. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Also, I heard there will be 9 to 11 spots for the adult/geriatric track this year. Did anyone else on here interview for that track?
  24. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    This whole waiting thing is killlllllllling me! It's been four days since my interview and I'm already stalking my gmail account along with this thread. It's going to be a looooooong several weeks. For those of you who haven't interviewed yet, I wish...
  25. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I wonder if they just had so many applications this year for FNPs that they needed to extend the amount time for the review/interview process for the FNP track. Maybe you're just in that second wave that's getting reviewed. Hopefully since they con...