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All Content by rachelrae155

  1. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    crad611 - I didn't get that email, but I applied for the adult/geriatric specialization. Which specialty did you apply for? It may just be the case that your specialty needed more time to go through applications. Either way, that's gotta be a litt...
  2. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    PHOENIX!! Congrats, lady!! How exciting for you!!! I just had my interview today. It was pretty standard. I was soooooo nervous though. I tried to keep my answers succinct...but I also felt like I could have said more than I did. I keep thinki...
  3. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I live by the CON. Kind of. I don't know if there is any good way for me to get there from my apartment besides walking. Hmmmmmm...if the weather is bad maybe I'll be cabbing it (since I don't have a car in the city). Good call on going for comfo...
  4. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    sjj6810 - What great news!! YAY!!! Misspriss - thanks for the input! I didn't get that first email so I wasn't really sure about the format for the interview. Since we're in the same department, I bet our interview structure will be somewhat simil...
  5. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Misspriss - did you get the idea that your interview was going to be one-on-one, or do you get the impression that your interview will be in a group setting?
  6. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Thanks for the support!! I keep giving myself a similar pep-talk. If I don't get in this round, maybe I'll get in next round, or maybe I'll wind up getting into a different program. Becoming an NP may take a little longer or it may happen by takin...
  7. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I am getting super nervous about the interview. I heard back that mine will be at 9:30AM on April 4th. It sounds like I'm just interviewing with one person...maybe it's one faculty member and a few students? For some reason I thought interviews we...
  8. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I checked last year's thread and it looks like there was a second wave of notifications for interviews a week after the first wave found out. Your specialty may not have sent out notifications yet. Fingers crossed for next week!! :)
  9. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Phoenix - do not lose hope! If they are notifying by specialty, they may just not have sent out notices to the mental health NPs yet! I'm pulling for you!!
  10. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    AniLMT - I agree with misspriss. I don't think there is really a cookie cutter applicant or application (at least this what I understood from the info session I attended). I think it's a good idea to volunteer at a hospital before you apply (especi...
  11. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I GOT AN INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waaaahooooooooooo!! YEAH! They actually called me about it. I guess the email they sent me bounced back to them. I don't know why because they sent it to the correct email address and I've gotten eve...
  12. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Congrats guys!! This is making me a little nervous because I think last year the adult/geriatric applicants heard back when the acute care folks did. But, regardless of my status, I'm so happy that you guys have made it this far!! Woohooo!! :w00t:
  13. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    P.S. SCNP, congrats on being accepted to a program already - you go!!
  14. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I know what you mean - every time I get an email from this site I think - Oh my gosh people are hearing back and I'm not! I'm totally getting the April 4th email! You are definitely right about the admissions decisions being made by faculty for eac...
  15. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I have gmail and I'll have to get that tool! To pass the time I've been doing a lot of classwork for A&P II. I wouldn't call that leisure time, but it certainly takes up a lot of my "free" time! When I do have a little time to myself I like to...
  16. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    CONGRATS!!! That is some fantastic news for you!! Good luck at the interview! :)
  17. Rush GEM program- How easy is the transition to APN?

    Hello, I know this is a somewhat old post, but I'm curious to know which direction you went. If you did end up going to Rush, what do you think about the program? What kind of jobs do people seem to get as graduates of the GEM program? I'm thinkin...
  18. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Three weeks is super fast, but I know it's going to feel like an eternity!! I'm trying to not get too excited about the possibility of getting an interview, although I am keeping my fingers crossed. Based on other posts I've read, it sounds like (f...
  19. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Welcome, sarahl! I feel like the wait is the worst part about the application process (even though the interview notification/final decisions have a really quick turnaround)! Good luck to you!! :)
  20. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Good morning all! As far as the research course goes, I was possibly trying to take that online (if I'm accepted). Phoenix, I checked out City Colleges on myccc.edu (you should now have a login for that if you've registered and can take a look at the...
  21. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    If it makes you feel better, I also did not get an email saying my application was completed. The only one I received said that my letters of rec were still outstanding, but a few hours later my last recommender submitted her recommendation, so I kn...
  22. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I went to an info session about a year ago for Rush and I thought you could go the NP route through their program after completing your generalist coursework, although I could be confusing that with other nursing programs I visited. I am definitely m...
  23. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I am thinking about applying to Rush's program. If I'm not accepted to UIC, I may just saddle myself with taking six classes over the course of summer and fall semester so that I can apply this summer for the Rush winter '12 start date. Do you know ...
  24. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    Hi Seaster! I had your same question and called ETS about it a couple of weeks ago. Since UIC does accept the scores electronically, they should have recieved your scores the day they officially posted, which would have been prior to you getting you...
  25. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I forgot to add this: Once you register at the campus you want to attend, that is when you schedule your classes. I think if it's your first time scheduling a class, you are required to schedule in person with a counselor. You'll want to bring a cop...