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About AliciaLPN

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  1. St Barnabas Hospital (bronx ny)

    Hi, i recently interviewed at St Barnabus and awaiting a phone call from HR to schedule the pharmacology exam. Anyone here taken th exam and possibly have a study guide or an idea of what to review?...
  2. /I was pretty frustrated too and especially discouraged. I graduated 6/2011. took my bouts 0n 9/2/11 and officially got my license on 9/20/11. after a few weeks of looking and reading these posts i...
  3. Kings Harbor Mulitcare Center, Bronx NY

    Hi. i dont know if you have received any onfo RE: this post or maybe you are working there and can help to share any answer to your questions. Im a recent grad and baby nurse (took my boards 9/2). i...
  4. Hi Happynurs3. Have you found a job yet? i sure hope you did, if so where? i am now a baby nurse. Graduated this June took my boards last fri 9/2 and passed. I am now starting my job hunt. any tips or...
  5. SW Boces Entrance Exam

    I purchased the Exam Cram book. I used the CD to do practice questions and it comes with a "cram sheet" that also proved very helpful.The greatest advice is to do as many practice questions as...
  6. SW Boces Entrance Exam

    Hi new students of SW BOCES. I am pleased to announce that i recently passed my NY state boards. I am officially an LPN. Boces prepares you 100% for your state boards. it may become stressful and...
  7. Taking the NCLEX this Friday Need Support =]

    And yes. God is more than Able!!! I could not have done it without
  8. Taking the NCLEX this Friday Need Support =]

    I tried the trick since friday and i have been getting the "good pop up". i have been checking pearson for my quick results all day. it posted at exactly 3:00 PM.. I PASSED. I am an LPN. so happy!!!...
  9. Taking the NCLEX this Friday Need Support =]

    Congrats!!! I just took my Nclex PN friday as well. I'm in NY. Have u gotten ur quick results yet? I've been checkin Pearson all day and it still not available. I kno people who have taken the exam on...
  10. SW Boces Entrance Exam

    So proud of my StephanieP. Good luck to all accepted already in the program. Be prepared to working really hard. Its stressful but it pays off in the end. and the 10 months go by soooooooooooo
  11. NY NCLEX RN Re-application process...

    Hi. I recently graduated a LPN program in June. What is the exact process. do i send out the application and pay pearson simultaneously or does application have to be done first? Please help if you...
  12. UNSURE!!

    for clearer understanding of how the program/classes are divided. look at their handbook on the website. im not saying studying less helped me. im just sayin i learned how to study, what to focus on...
  13. UNSURE!!

    let me clarify. thats mon - wednesday classromm and thurs and fri clinicals. thats while your doing
  14. UNSURE!!

    I am doing the day as well. many people work whil attending. its just a metter of scheduling yourself. when clinicals begin (in october) classroom will be 8:30-2:30 mon-wed and thurs & fri will...
  15. UNSURE!!

    U can ask as many questions as you would like. i know the feling. it definitley was challenging... i struggled alot in the beginning. took me months to really learn how to study and have 80's and 90's...