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All Content by BackfromRetirement

  1. ER trys to redirect non-emergency care

    Folks using the ER as a primary care provider are being redirected. New Fee For Non-Emergency ER Visits - WCYB
  2. I need help/advice for RN&Army wife

    Check into a compact license.........there are several states that recognize your license if it from one of those states. Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC)
  3. Tn RN wages

    No VA in Knoxville, Murfreesboro is closest VA.
  4. how do u cope with blame game

    Sometimes new nurses opinion's are not appreciated. What they don't tell you in nursing school is how to navigate through the sharks. You might consider asking one of the older nurses to advise you on things that you are still learning. Ask the NM of...
  5. Screening for employment

    Some labs include it in the blood screening.
  6. Question about skin creams and CNA applications

    Request update on CNA's and skin creams....the laws. At one time, over-the-counter skin protectants were ok for CNA's to apply. Some places say no to CNA's using anything cream on a resident in LTC. Previously no therapeutic creams could be applied b...
  7. Initial assessments ?

    Trust? Imagine what an attorney would do to that in a court of law? If LPN misses something and RN signs off on assessment, you already know the answer.
  8. I really NEED to hear from nurses that like or love LTC.

    LTC staffing has been an issue for all the 20 yrs I have worked it. I have learned to accept the things I cannot change. It may not be right, it may not be fair, but it's just the way it is. I stay because it's where i fit. I like the elderly, especi...
  9. Initial assessments ?

    In this state, an RN must do the admission assessment.
  10. California RN working in Canada or different states

    Have you checked out the pay exchange? I have heard that you lose money when paid in Canadian dollars.
  11. Help Needed plzzzzz....

    Many docs will write an order for "laxative of choice" every third day if no BM. Miralax and MOM are common. If pt is difficult to take meds PO, suppositories can be ordered.
  12. Hepatic encephalopathy

    When I worked at the VA hospital back in the 80's this was a common diagnosis. I remember one pt that was ordered lactulose enemas q2h. The smell of the ammonia diarrhea is very distinct. Although most delirium cleared up in a few days, there were a ...
  13. LTC - when residents deteriorate

    Fire the call-ins, pay enough to attract the dedicated CNA's. Too many call-offs are given too many chances.
  14. LTC - when residents deteriorate

    Frustration is part of the LTC scenario. You can always consider hiring a private sitter/cna. Perhaps it may be best to look elsewhere for your GM. Sadly, call-offs and short staffing is a fact of life in ltc. Until healthcare corporate decides to pa...
  15. LTC - when residents deteriorate

    Wherehas, you don't seem to fully understand the nursing home side of the problem. CNA's have the most difficult and trying aspects of the facility. In order to keep the good CNA's from burning out, they rotate sections to have a different workload a...
  16. LTC - when residents deteriorate

    As i understand it, activities of daily living include detailed descriptions of toileting and dressing in the CNA duties and the Careplan.. Independent living? In a long-term care facility? Have heard of assisted living but that may be a private insu...
  17. Makes me so angry!

    WOW P-Medic2, you are sooooo correct! Sign a contract for 2 yrs, never be able to drive a car or have a drink! Always cover your head outdoors and always have a female escort! Sounds like fun, travel, and adventure, right?
  18. Is there more to this story? I too applaud your moxy and dedication. Yet, this may not be over. I have trust issues with the powers that be. They can throw you under the bus in a heartbeat when you ruffle feathers. Standing up for what is right is ra...
  19. Geriatrics in ED

    After UTI's, pneumonia's and falls, mental status changes, never forget impactions. Yes, gurney's suck, had to lie on one 12 hours myself before they gave me a bed. Incontinence pads? Friendly known face? No, all strangers.
  20. The thing about RN school that I remember was lab values. Being able to have a clue what's going on from UA's to blood gases. Yes, its rote memory and boring at first, but you can spot things that you know that contribute to cause and effect.
  21. Tn RN wages

    Pineapple, are you sure? Ck Louisianan or Miss. The Virgin islands are low too.........$
  22. 1st Day Off exhaustion

    Why, why do you young gals do this? Money? Money the government will take most of? Please consider the tax implications. After earning so much a week, the gov may get up to 50% of it.
  23. Job changing opinion needed,please help!!

    Sorry, do not have a crystal ball. Staying safely employed helps if you need a check.
  24. 1st Day Off exhaustion

    Geeze, hope you can do that in your 50's.
  25. 1st Day Off exhaustion

    And why is it, nurses still crave "the extra time off"?