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All Content by jiggsling

  1. Hi everyone! I graduated Nursing last 2009 and was not able to take the board exam due to financial reasons. I am planning to take the exam this December and I would like to know if anyone of you here could tell me which review centers should I consi...
  2. thanks a lot..you're a great help :bow:..i'll take note of what you have said.. I am actually answering my cousin's n-clex reviewer for the mean time and I am so looking forward to enhance my knowledge since I graduated last year and I really do need...
  3. thanks a lot for the tips..^_^ i also read a lot about pentagon although, i can't really decide.. I don't want to do self-review 'coz i know it'll never help me..hehe! thanks anyways..
  4. i have read posts about merge..can anybody here tell me more about this review center please?thanks a lot..^_^ :)
  5. thanks a lot for the tips..i will try and see about RUN..i know St. Louis because they have a branch in my home province,.they're okay but I just need to compare review centers..hehe! ^_^ and yeah, I'm on a budget right now so i really need to compar...