Flo. BSN, RN

Developmental Disabilites,

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  1. First I try to quell any fears and explain that they are ok. For the ones who have told me flat out "but I want to be waited on" they get the below: I explain to them that they are stable and that insurance will not pay for them to stay. If they want...
  2. Flo.

    Med-Surg Unit needs to spend money

    We have dynamaps and 02 machines in every room. I can't even imagine not having them.
  3. Flo.

    Does nursing satisfy your needs?

    I am not satisfied. I feel overworked, underpaid and underutilised. I got into nursing because I wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives. 2+ yrs in and I just want to get out. Nursing school did not prepare me for the realities of ...
  4. Flo.

    Saying "Goodnight" to patients

    It depends on the patient.
  5. Flo.

    written up

    We have a standard report sheet that includes the full head to toe. It was implemented a few years ago and I think it was the best thing that ever happened to my floor. Maybe you could suggest the same for your floor.
  6. I had 3 interviews and a personality/ aptitude test for a staff RN position at a hospital. I was running out of interviews clothes!
  7. Flo.

    The heparin bottle for a cap?

    Never heard of that.
  8. Check the schools websites. Most of that info is on there. If you don't find what you need call or email them. One word of advice, make sure you use proper English anytime you interact with admissions.
  9. Flo.

    Would keeping my own birth book be a HIPAA violation?

    Thats odd. I can see keeping a running tally of the babies you deliver but to keep all that info sounds a bit much.
  10. Flo.

    Patients' "home remedies"? What have you seen

    Putting a potato in your pocket to cure arthritis. As the pt was getting a hip replacement for severe arthritis.
  11. Flo.

    Living with poo

    Thats gross!
  12. Flo.

    How Long?

    4 months
  13. Flo.

    Rounding Queen

    Thats funny.
  14. My work tried to make me feel guilty too! I was very close to quitting but no place else is hiring. I'm still upset about it. I didn't even get a get well card even though I had surgery at thier hospital.
  15. Flo.

    IV in an artery

    Call someone and have them check, that way you can go to sleep knowing the pt will be taking care of.
  16. Flo.

    An Interesting Thread: Productivity

    I think the problem is that management tries to squeeze every ounce of "productivity" out of the nurses. They want to see the nurses running the whole 12 hrs. I feel it is actually more productive to allow for a few lulls during the day. It allows on...
  17. My major annoyance is pharmacy calling the RN to ask us to call the MD to clarify an order. It brings one more person into the mix. A pharmacist is legally able to take a phone order. They are just trying to pass the buck and make things easier for t...
  18. Flo.

    Politcally incorrect rant aka how my day went

    We all need to come together if we want to make a change. Protesting is not just for hippies. It is for people who want to make a change. We all know that nurses are being forced to work in unsafe situations with our patients paying the ultimate pri...
  19. Flo.

    staffing question

    Your place is very unorganized. Why are 3 people calling you? That should be the job of 1 person. I don't understand why they call to tell you are floated. At my place you come in normal and they tell you when you get there. Although I wish they wou...
  20. Flo.

    Single moms and every 3rd weekend

    If any co worker wanted to work my weekends for me, I would gladly let them. If mgmt is being weird ask your coworkers.
  21. Flo.

    Neurological Assessment

    I just tell them I am doing a neuro assesment, I am going to ask you some funny questions.
  22. 3 months for ortho/ neurosurgery.
  23. Flo.

    Difference between Cor & Code?

    The nurses that I have heard say it are in the late 60s and practicing since they were in thier early twenties. I never asked them when it was changed.
  24. Flo.

    Difference between Cor & Code?

    A cor is an older version of code. The older nurses at my hospital sometimes use that word. Means the same thing though. Back in the day they would call a cor zero instead of a code blue for no pulse.