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About fthibodeaux

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  1. Great Gift for Nursing Student (2nd career)?

    Well, I'm still a nursing student and I've gotten some really cool stuff. My dad bought me a Littman 2 stethoscope and had my name engraved in the bell since those things tend to walk away. You can...
  2. Should I be going for my ADN or BSN?

    i'm not entirely sure what information you want but feel free to email me anytime but i may not get back to you until after wednesday of this week, by then i'll have finals done for the end of my...
  3. Should I be going for my ADN or BSN?

    I'm at TWU pursuing the BSN route. The program is hard but worth it and I can honestly tell you from having been in the hospitals I have yet to meet an LVN during my clinical rotations. The hospitals...
  4. What's Wrong with My Resume?

    If you are still having trouble getting that job then perhaps you should take your resume' to a college career counselor or a professional recruiter and have them see what is glaringly wrong there. A...
  5. How much do new grad RN's make in Houston, Texas?

    Anywhere from 45-50 depending on the facility and the
  6. Going from Lettland to USA

    JustBeachyNurse is correct, there are tons of nurses from other country's practicing here in the states. Keep in mind that you may want to start out travel nursing through an American agency as they...
  7. Womens interest in male nurses

    If the girl that looked at you that way judged you that's completely her issue and misconception. Don't let it worry you too much, not all women are that silly. I frankly don't care what you do as...
  8. Death: The Reason I Became a Nurse

    Palliative care is such an important part of nursing that we often avoid because death makes us uncomfortable. It's really unfortunate that this is the reality of our profession, since this is one...
  9. Camp nurse good experience for school nursing?

    I've worked at a camp. The main difference between camp nursing and school nursing is that you may deal with more psych/emotional issues because the kids have more time to socialize and be badly...
  10. Thank you so much for all of the help your Study tips are amazing. Hopefully they'll help me do well on my Med-surg 1 and Maternity finals
  11. 3.9 GPA, cant pass Nursing school tests!???

    Hey ohgreat - I am in the same situation in fleurafor with nursing school giving me hell. I saw that you offered to send her some resources that helped you. I am having a lot of difficulty getting...
  12. TWU Spring 2011 Program

    Word to the wise, future J1s should definitely check out the website chegg.com to rent your books. I priced all the books we need at the UT bookstore and compared it and saved around $1000 by renting...
  13. TWU Spring 2011 Program

    Does anybody need some carpool buddies in the Katy Area to TWU
  14. TWU Spring 2011 Program

    Hi guys, Just got accepted this past week so I figure I'm in the same boat as all the other newbies here. What up? look me up on facebook as [email protected]. Laterz
  15. Texas Woman's University-help with pre req questions

    FYI, Biol 4344 is NOT nutrition, it is Pathophysiology and it's not a pre-requisite to get into the school since you take that as part of the upper division nursing curricula. However, Nutrition is...