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All Content by emmie9905

  1. What experience needed for NICU

    I am getting ready to graduate from nursing school. I am interested in NICU nursing. All the postings I have seen for NICU require previous floor experience. What is the best floor experience to prepare me for NICU?
  2. 10th Nursing Caption Contest - Win $100

    And you thought you had a bad patient!!!
  3. What experience needed for NICU

    I'm just running into many posting requiring Mother/Baby experience. Then I look at Mother/Baby job postings and they require Peds experience. Peds postings require Mother/Baby experience. I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. Am I just looking at the ...
  4. What experience needed for NICU

    What are your thoughts about using ICU as a stepping stone? I have gotten some feedback saying that is a good first step.
  5. When did you start using NCLEX review books??

    My best resources so far have been the Saunders Review book and NCLEX 4000. I would talk to your professors they may have other books that they recommend as well. Good luck in nursing school.
  6. What kind Stethoscope I buy???

    I have learned that a little extra goes a long way with stethoscopes. I recommend spending the extra on a Littmann. Some of the less expensive ones can be more difficult to hear with or at least they were for me.
  7. What is a good score on the HESI?

    It really depends on your school. Each school can set a number or percentage needed to enter their program. So check with your school they should be able to give you more information.
  8. Advice about other tech!

    Continue to do what is right. Don't let her convince you to do something that doesn't seem fair. If she continues to to bully you involve the charge nurse. All facilities should have a policy about lateral violence. This is a perfect example of that....
  9. I think that doing something on anti-bullying would be a great idea. It's something that all kids are familiar with and you could make it interactive so both you and the kids could have fun with it.
  10. How long do you spend studying?

    I am coming into my final stretch in nursing school. I have learned that you should spend 2-3 hours per course hours. That's sometimes not possible but study as much as possible. You should always read the text 3 times. Once before the lecture, activ...
  11. Taking Blood Pressure

    There are different procedures based on the school that you attend. But in the end you should always be close to the same reading. If you are seeing the needle bounce but not hearing anything you should try to move the stethoscope. Sometimes it just ...
  12. Nervous about starting school.

    Let me congratulate you on being accepted to NS. I am going into my second semester. I will be honest with you, it's scary and exciting and overwhelming, all rolled into one. Don't ever get discouraged. There are always people you can talk to, e.g. a...