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About AngelRN2b

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  1. New TEAS V Science Section

    I just registered for the teas test, I'll be taking it on July 19th. Hopefully I will pass it this time, for the science section the book is too confusing for me so what I do is study my notes from...
  2. Grand Canyon University

    @ Smilinjen, congratulations! Way to
  3. Grand Canyon University

    Is there anyone applying for the summer fast track At GCU? I'm trying to get into the programm, but I need to pass that TEAS V test. Somehow, I'm really anxious about all this nursing thing since...
  4. New TEAS V Science Section

    @ Nam123, You are NOT the only one on the opposite side, English is my second language as well. All what I can say is good luck to all bilingual nurrses to
  5. New TEAS V Science Section

    @ Nam123, You are NOT the only one on the opposite side, English is my second language as well. All what I can say is good luck to all bilingual nurrses to
  6. YAY! I GOT IN!!!!!

  7. ASU Fall 2010 Hopefuls

    Hello everyone, Is there anyone applying for the summer program at ASU? I'm trying to find someone who I can study with for the TEAS test? I have a 4.0 GPA I go to a community college and my advisor...