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All Content by guest416560

  1. guest416560

    Nazi-esque Black Lives Matter Protesters So it is real, DEMS are leaving You can deny it, doesn't mean it isn't happening even in liberal Hollywood
  2. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    I guess I've been called worse than a troll but I can promise you I'm a real live FNP working and living in the San Francisco Bay area. I see how liberals have destroyed a once beautiful city into a hell hole. We even have an app in SF for tel...
  3. Do I need to list all of the fabricated stories produced by the NY times? Unfortunately I'm not free for the next month. Do a littl...
  4. About as credible as CNN, MSNBC or the NY Times.
  5. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    For a moment there baloney I thought you were referencing Obama.
  6. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    There are millions who are thrilled that we have a real leader, TRUMP as our president and probably will have for another 4 years. With his leadership Antifa will be neutered. Continue to protest peacefully if you desire. Murdering those with ...
  7. guest416560

    Nazi-esque Black Lives Matter Protesters

    Having worked in Little Saigon/Westminister in Orange County I can assure most of the hard working Vietnamese are very conservative and lean Republican. Ballot stuffing is real. Read the article from the NY post.
  8. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    Liberal Silence is Violence. If you don't denounce BLM rioters killing Trump supporters then you support it. It sickens me to hear a BLM rioter cheer for the death of an innocent man.
  9. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    Here is the video of the murder. "Hey we got a Trumper right here" Trump supporters were hunted and murdered by radical BLM rioters. Remember Silence is Violence. If you do not denounce this violence then with your silence you support it according...
  10. guest416560

    Nazi-esque Black Lives Matter Protesters

    That story is two years old. The media has changed and the narrative from what I've seen on most major main stream media is mostly anti Trump propaganda. Even Fox News has steered into the antiTrump camp.
  11. guest416560

    Nazi-esque Black Lives Matter Protesters

    Please list your location first. I will make sure to tell my staff who is composed of all minorities that if you are conservative this particular nurse may be hazardous to your health.
  12. guest416560

    Nazi-esque Black Lives Matter Protesters

    With all of the burning of personal businesses in minority areas....where mine is located....I don't think it is prudent to list where my business is located. By doing so I give you or some other whacko the green light to burn my business down. No th...
  13. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    Biden has been hiding in the basement
  14. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    Shooting paintballs for no reason is unjustified. My views on liberal protesters committing the most violence comes from the videos provided by main stream media. It is wrong for anybody to hurt anybody with physical violence. I just haven't seen co...
  15. guest416560

    Nazi-esque Black Lives Matter Protesters

    Absolutely! I have stated numerous times the BLM rioters need to stop. If you want to protest go for it. It's an American right I'm happy to fight for if needed. Racism is horrible. The burning of neighborhoods and the injuring of innocent lives ...
  16. guest416560

    Nazi-esque Black Lives Matter Protesters

    I don't think anybody is debating racism. Racism sucks. I personally judge on character not on skin color or any other metric. I think people who share my opinion don't believe injuring innocent lives, burning down inner city communities, looting t...
  17. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    So how would you like the question worded? Liberals cheered at the murder of a Trump supporter. How and when did that become acceptable. If it is not, state it. By the way, Trump is leading in the polls
  18. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    While I appreciate the unsolicited English/grammar lesson you still haven't answered my question. Why is it OK to cheer for the murder of a Trump supporter?
  19. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    Bless your heart. I'm happy to say I would find it abhorrent if a Trump supporter cheered for the murder of a BLM rioter. I literally find that behavior disgusting. I can only assume those who can't agree that behavior like that is abhorrent...
  20. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    Let me rephrase in a more simple sentence at a lower reading level that you may be able to comprehend better. As a human being who tends to shift a little bit left in their politics, why will you accept and not oppose the cheering of the death ...
  21. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    Thanks for noticing but you are correct it's not my native language. condone [kənˈdōn] VERB accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue.
  22. guest416560

    Nazi-esque Black Lives Matter Protesters

    There is an entire movement founded by a lifelong liberal to leave the Democratic party. Check it out :
  23. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    To answer your question, we use critical thinking skills. You might try it. It's actually very useful. I hope you learned a little of that while going through nursing school.
  24. guest416560

    BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

    Why is it so difficult for the liberals on this board to condone the behavior of cheering for the death of a Trump supporter? Are you secretly cheering inside? Not one of you has condone it and like all you like to say "Silence is Violence"
  25. guest416560

    Nazi-esque Black Lives Matter Protesters

    When black democrats from the deep south commit to voting Republican you know the train has left the station for the Democratic party.