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All Content by Pinaydizenueve

  1. Johns Hopkins new grad 2011

    Hello!! I was reading all your posts. I applied at JHH then they emailed me back and scheduled me for an interview...I'm kind of scared.. I don't know what to expect...
  2. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I did used the study guide. . its so upsetting.. now, i know its all about the TEAS score not the GPA itself (coz my GPA is not bad)..I surely retake. . congrats to all u guys got accepted. .goodluck :)
  3. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

  4. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    SUNMIST, can i ask u about your TEAS result. what did u get from your reading & overall test. i applied at Catonsville. just got my letter today. i did not get in because of my tEAs result..
  5. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I got a pink postcard as well. . I will be receiving my notification this early May and its May already. . This RN program is nerve racking. I want my result please. . .:redbeathe