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About 123itsjesset

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  1. I don't know if it was worth becoming a nurse

    I think it's the place you work for. The issues you are having are things that can be changed, simply by being in a different position. Before you decide to quit the nursing profession, I think you...
  2. Nursing school with newborn?

    Hi all! I was curious to know if there are any students starting nursing school are in nursing school with a newborn/ baby. I will be starting nursing school this fall and my wife is pregnant. Our due...
  3. Accelerated Program with built-in or minimal pre-reqs?

    Thank you! I'll check them
  4. Accelerated Program with built-in or minimal pre-reqs?

    I'm quite aware that I have to have a Bachelors for an accelerated nursing degree. I will graduate in May with my Bachelors
  5. Accelerated Program with built-in or minimal pre-reqs?

    It's not that I'm in a rush, I'm just worried about financials. I don't know if I will be able to afford attending school for the pre-reqs plus attending for the nursing degree. I also don't want to...
  6. I was wondering if anyone has heard of accelerated bsn or msn programs that starts the program with pre-reqs in the first semester? Schools like Union University only require A&P I and II and...
  7. I have hated science since I was in elementary school, and I have never been good at it! Starting my nursing pre-reqs soon, there is no way around them! How do you make it through the classes without...
  8. I am currently enrolled in a 4 year university and I am considering transferring to a community college. I started out as a freshman with the intentions of becoming a nursing major but I allowed...