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  1. Labor Dispute

    I got that call too. I did a little searching and found this link.
  2. home health nursing job

    mumarada, You don't mention how much hospital experience you had before you started working for the doctor's office. I had 5 yrs of hospital experience in ICU, CCU, Post Pump, and Labor and Delivery...
  3. I'm looking for another HH job!....Rant.

    Ditto that! I have patients report every so often that one of my office staff or one of my Nurse Case Managers was rude. I apologize profusely and then we all laugh about it because I know it isn't...
  4. home health nursing job

    I totally agree with Ash2012. You really should get some hands on clinical experience before you go into home health. In a hospital setting there is always someone to consult or to act as a...
  5. Sorry to say, but this may come back to haunt you. I would definitely consult a lawyer. Even if you were able to get your license, getting a job may be a problem. We have a question on our...
  6. The good, the bad, and the ugly?

    I made a transition 25 yrs ago to HH from hospital nursing. (ICU, CCU, PPU, and the Delivery room) I did hospital nursing BC (before children) and switched to HH AC (after children.) I started...
  7. Can I get paid to care for my mother

    My agency has a policy against staff caring for their immediate family and I believe most agencies do also. Our Aging Agency has what is called Self Directed Care where a patient can hire family for...
  8. Considering HH Nursing - Interview soon

    Nanny, I didn't see this post early enough to give you any pointers but hope your interview went well. I have been in HH for 25 yrs and as in all fields of nursing, there is good and bad. In my case,...
  9. Thank you for all your comments over the years

    Ventmommy, I am so very sorry! Your son may have had a rough beginning but he had a very loving end. You have been my favorite homecare Mom and I've never met you. God bless you and comfort you...
  10. How do your start your day on paper that is.

    Because that was how the agency I worked for wanted us to chart. We were to begin with 'On Duty' and end with 'Off
  11. How do your start your day on paper that is.

    I always started with, "On duty, report received from Dad. Child is asleep with Pediasure feeding infusing at 100cc/hr/pump via GB. Assessment completed, vent check done." I did not repeat my...
  12. "Unusual charting"

    Unreal! Between myself and my office nurses, we read all documentation before it's put into the charts. I wouldn't want to be in those supervisor's shoes when they have a state audit because the...
  13. The advisory board meeting isn't for several months. I did talk to my clinical director and they all agree that befriending a patient is against our code of ethics. But getting employees to comply...
  14. "Unusual charting"

    If this nurse worked for me she would be rewriting her charting to make it patient focused. I'm the one who has to face the state auditor when they come and there is no way that I would allow this...
  15. PDN...Facebook friend??

    Oh, got you. Thanks for clarifying Ms