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About daves

daves has 25 years experience and specializes in ER, ICU, Tele, LTAC, LTC.

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  1. Pensacola VS Tampa

    I've been in Tampa Bay (Clearwater) for 7 years now, but went to school and worked in P'cola for 10 years. I dont think the diference in pay/benefits will be all that great overall. The main point I...
  2. Manatee Memorial Hospital

    Well, I've been at this place off and on for 7 years. Primarily in PCU, but have done the floors too. Its not a bad place overall, and certainly better than the local competition, the HCA Blake...
  3. Clearwater or Tampa RN pay/cost of living

    Have you considered buying a house here? Thay are cheap-cheap-cheap. I bought mine for cash like one-third of home purchases in TB are done. The point about proximity to the water and price is...
  4. Sun City Center, Fl.

    I haven't worked at Sun City but did interview when I came back to FL 2 years ago. What an odd place. You probably know you have to be at least 55 to buy property there. Thats fine and all, but...
  5. Hospitals in Tampa area

    Welcome on down. I live in Clearwater and have heard decent things about Morton Plant, but have not worked there myself. I have worked at Largo which just last year voted by a 70% plurality of RNs...
  6. Unions and strikes?

    Personally, I'm nobody's
  7. Can you hold an RN license in 2 states?

    Get a load of this: Simultaneous possession of valid, active licenses in CA, NY, LA, DC, VI, HI, VA, WV, PA, MD, and FL. Yeah it was great fun renewing a license every 3-4 months:( Pared it down a bit...
  8. Florida Travel!!!

    I actually live in Clearwater a few blocks from the hospital, but have not worked there (yet?) I'm currently doing USC in Los Angeles. Come and enjoy the great beaches, no state income tax, and you...
  9. USC Los Angeles

    Going to start my fourth week at USC tomarrow as Tele float. Its now officially Keck Medical Center USC. Make sure you're not accidentally interviewing for LAC+USC, "County"; that's all together...
  10. What do you know about HCAs???

    HCA? Where to start. I've done quite a few over the last three decades and its usually fairly predictable. All the horror stories I know, but if you know that in advance, at least you won't be...
  11. Please visit the Florida state site to hear about opportunities from us that live here. Hear all about the ones you may want to avoid:( We are in the middle of "the season". As in tourist. Usually...
  12. Any Southern CA agencies?

    Greetings from L.A. My current company has several of us at USC. While I don't particularly recommend CCTC or USC, there are a few options in the area. One to avoid is Apple Valley. You might try...
  13. LTAC ? Good or Bad?

    Forgot to repoint out the most important parts that I intimated in another post: Make nice with your Resp Techs and CNAs. Not only do they know more about their fields then you ever will, they will...
  14. You have to include "Rehab" facilities in your LTC search. They are almost all 8-hour shifts, though I hear there is a 12-hour facility in Zepherhills. Experienced RNs may make 22-24 or so. Inquire...
  15. LTAC ? Good or Bad?

    LTACs, like any other hospital or hospital type, vary greatly from town to town. Your patient ratio is probably going to be twice that of an average ICU, but less than on Tele. And thats about right...