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All Content by RescueNinja

  1. POOP! What do I put on my nursing notes for poop?

    Large, moderate, small Black, brown, green, etc Constipated, watery, loose, soft, pasty, semi-formed, formed, etc Foul-smelling As in "Pt was incontinent of large amount of foul-smelling, green, watery BM" or "pt had small, constipated BM."
  2. Code Blue Experiences

    I am so sorry for your loss
  3. Jobs for RN's in Canada?

    My understanding (I could definitely be wrong) is that they have to post them d/t union issues, but they aren't filling them because of budget cuts.
  4. Nurses with Tattoos and Piercings

    I have 2 (on my foot) is completely hidden obviously and the other (under my ear) is hidden as long as I keep my hair down. I generally do keep it down, but there have been times that I've been in too much of a rush to fix my hair so up...
  5. Code Blue Experiences

    When I was in ICU, a few of the older ICU nurses have said that they've seen this happen or done it and it almost always worked. Crazy!
  6. Code Blue Experiences

    So do I. It's unfortunate, but I tend to chalk it up to lack of resources. I do not live in a big city and definitely have not worked in a hospital where there are any extraordinary interventions going on.
  7. The staffing ratios are different depending on which facility you work for. When we are fully staffed at my facility (rarely happens), we have 1 RN & 1 RPN per floor on days, 1 RPN/RN on each floor and 1 RN float on evenings, and on nights 1 RN a...
  8. Ditto Tinysam's post except I'm in LTC instead of HH. I am super thankful that I have a job, but I strongly dislike the work because I don't feel fulfilled at all. At first it wasn't so bad because I was busy learning about the residents and stuff, ...
  9. What does your username mean?

    RN: Rescue Ninja Saw it on a shirt and liked it...and I'm a RN. I lack creativity too
  10. Code Blue Experiences

    That's a nice thought and all, but after an unsuccessful code it's generally not a pretty sight. If it is an autopsy case (all of the codes that I've seen have been), we aren't allowed to take out any lines or anything so the family has to view their...
  11. Code Blue Experiences

  12. Code Blue Experiences

    I have been to many codes none of which were successful. One was a youngish man in his 50s and I don't know what his dx were but he did have COPD. He was calling for help and I went into his room during one of my first clinical shifts ever as a stud...
  13. That is truly unfortunate not only for the students, but also the nurses they are buddied with, and the patients they care for during clinicals. Businesses often accept comments/suggestions...maybe a little constructive criticism r/t this would be be...
  14. What can anyone tell me Excelsior Nursing program?

    I don't know anything about that particular program, but I do have to say go with your gut...there must be a reason you're skeptical??
  15. RN wages vs cost of living

    I have seen charts in the past for RN's hourly wage vs cost of living sorted by state, but have not seen any for Canada...just wondering if anyone knows where I could find one. Thanks in advance!
  16. RN wages vs cost of living

    Thank you!
  17. How do you de-stress?

    I cook/bake! If I wasn't a nurse, I'd be a chef. I also love snuggle-time with my furbabies after work.
  18. Some of your comments are offensive. While I absolutely agree with you that you don't need a degree to be a bedside nurse, I am offended by your comment that BScN grads are ill-prepared to do so. I don't know which school the BScN grads you have been...
  19. I too am guilty of everything that has been mentioned. Especially signing "R Ninja RN" or "...R~" when I notice lol. I also wake up in search of call bells, vent alarms, and cardiac monitors. One time I was on the couch "just resting my eyes" after ...
  20. Doctors office job..think I made a mistake...

    I'm really sorry you feel this way, but I can relate 110%. Personally I would jump at the hospital job opportunity even if it means an hour drive. Do you have a reliable car? If you have kids/pets, do you have appropriate child/pet care for 14+ hrs p...
  21. Only 45% of my original classmates graduated with me in my BScN program... There will be a high failure/drop out rate no matter which program you choose and no matter which school you go to. We had some AWFUL teachers that we complained about time a...
  22. Jobs for RN's in Canada?

    Weird - the jobs dried up long before that!! There used to be 300+ nsg jobs (MANY of them full-time) posted on one of the main Ottawa-area hospital's website and then within a couple weeks last spring they just up & disappeared. Now there are 10...
  23. I'm sorry, I don't have many tips for you as I've only been nsg on my own for a couple months. I would echo some of the other posts though. Eat, breathe, ask a million questions, and bring a little notebook to scribble all the answers in.
  24. Good advice...wish I had done that!
  25. Which type of watch do you reccomend?

    I have always been a Fossil-lover, but recently bought a PlastiChic watch and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I have the original style, but they have released a few more. It's tiny, comfortable, durable, fairly cheap (I've seen them from $10-30), and comes in a ...