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All Content by josibayan

  1. Hello, my name is Josh and I recently took the HESI exam for University of Texas. I used the suggested Elsevier review and passed all the sections, AP, chemistry, math, bio, etc. The only section I did not pass was the critical thinking, I made a 730...
  2. Hesi a2

    Hello, my name is Josh and I recently took the HESI exam for University of Texas. I used the suggested Elsevier review and passed all the sections, AP, chemistry, math, bio, etc. The only section I did not pass was the critical thinking, I made a 730...
  3. fundamentals success book? Is that by Mosby? Thank you so much for any help, Ill go look the book up. I just feel frustrated because I feel that I wasnt given a fair chance to pass that section of the exam.