I gathered that from her mentioning that it was a foot wound, however I have read (@ EPN) that the procedure for performing the dressing change on an actual patient was the same as for the lab(?)....
Why would you count the guaze as you're removing them? It was my understanding that you were to remove the ABD and guaze in one movement, wad them in your glove as you're removing it, then throw it...
I'm so sorry you're having this much trouble passing the CPNE. I'm about a month away from taking it, and can feel the nerves coming on. I do think however, that the direction you take from here is...
Steadfast commitment and headstrong determination. Similar to a traditional program, but what's different is you have to autodidact well. The rate of assimilation I presume can be a little longer...
You can do it! I can't remember who mentioned this, but it's true, you have to focus on 'self study'. People will recommend different things that work for them, but the one thing that the vast amount...
I ordered the download version of Rob's Video on Sunday, but I noticed he has not approved the charge on my cc. I sent him an email yesterday, but have yet to hear back from him. Has anyone ordered...
Best of luck to you fairie. I will more than likely be testing in Amarillo when the time comes, so I'm very interested in your experience taking the CPNE
Don't consider what Chester has posted as the absolute truth. If memory serves correctly, I know of at least 1 EC grad that does traveling assignments in
Thank you, finally. This thread has deviated so far from the initial purpose, that it would not offend me if it was binned all together. I did not intend this to be a Traditional V. NonTraditional...