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All Content by AngelaBS10

  1. NCLEX-RN study buddy APRIL 2010

    What is the "trick" that everyone is talking about?
  2. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    I'll be there on Saturday :)
  3. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    Hey Julie, I just posted this on facebook too :) I always buy new if I can. You can sell them and get most of your money back afterwards as long as they are not too battered.
  4. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    i thought i read somewhere that it was from 8am to 4pm but i can't find it now. i think the site has some discretion but you have to clock up a specified number of hours to graduate. did anyone ask for option #4 as their first choice? that was the ph...
  5. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    I just checked Magnus and everything is still pending. It did say that it is up to the school administrator to change the status.
  6. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    That's exciting enough, Kaiti!! I just got a text that mine is on its way via FedEx :yeah:I have read lots of really good reviews about this scope so I can't wait to give it a try.
  7. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    What color did you settle for Kaiti? I am upgrading to the cardio III also. Red I think.
  8. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    I hear you on the scrubs, Erinina! I just priced all the books. I got half from and the other half from e-bay. The total was $965.92 including shipping and an extra book that was just a "recommended" text (Gerontologic Nursing). They ar...
  9. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    I just did a shopping cart at the UCF bookstore and the toal was $1287.00. That did not include the Davis's Drug Guide. They were all used books (if available) and I don't know if they add sales tax on used books.
  10. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    Do we have to use the online text for any of them? I had an economics class that I paid $70 for online text access; but at the end of the semester it disappeared along with my $70 and I had nothing to sell on e-bay and nothing to keep for reference. ...
  11. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    I tried mine on. The waistband comes up to my chin!!
  12. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    Has anyone bought their scope yet? I was looking at the pink breast cancer edition for $69.99 (includes engraving)
  13. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    No mate: they had them in stock already embroidered. The only thing you have to get from the book store is a sew on patch for the left sleeve of the jacket.
  14. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    The jacket is pretty ugly btw
  15. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    I bought my scrubs today. I got two blue and two white pants and three tops. I wasn't sure how much time we would be wearing them so I may have gone a little overboard. I only bought one jacket though Does anyone know what sort of forceps we need (t...
  16. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    an e-mail just arrived from con&& the kit does not include bandage scissors or forceps; but (as we all know) does include a bp cuff.
  17. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    if you get the one included in the nursing pack you will have no choice in color; you just have to take whatever they bring to the school. i confirmed with con&& (not mentioning names) that you can buy elsewhere and have whatever color you w...
  18. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    Thanks Hatter, and congratulations to you too!!
  19. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    Can you post your source on the facebook page? I found most of them but it still added up to more than $800.
  20. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    Yeah, sorry about that. I read it too late. I'm going with individuality too.
  21. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    Just got the word from Connie that if we get the scope that comes with the pack we have no choice of color (it's whatever they bring to the school). You can order one and have it engraved with your name, which is highly recommended, from
  22. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    Yeah, I got a complete blank too; except they told me it was because the school wanted everyone to have identical trays, gloves, etc. so we "all have the same clinical experience". I don't know about the rest of you, but I won't be devastated if some...
  23. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    here is a little something interesting. i called the pack supplier and she would not tell me what we are getting in the pack!! but she did tell me that the stethoscope they are offering is the classic ii.
  24. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    yikes, that doesn't look like such a good deal anymore; although it's not as bad as the government (hrsa) offering!! i found littmann scopes (classic ii se) for $63.99 with free engraving and lots of colors to choose from but the shipping makes them ...
  25. UCF 2010-2011 accelerated nursing program

    For those struggling with finances, I heard that ORMC hire nursing students as techs and participate in a tuition reimbursement plan. Don't all rush at once; but they take third and fourth year nursing students (I think we qualify as 3rd year).