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All Content by arudarbme

  1. yes, i agree. and i think your idea is noble. good luck and we need more people like you. take care arudarbme
  2. i don't think it bad to think about how much you would earn while working these days. its pretty hard out there... and the standards of living are ever increasing. ciao, arudarbme
  3. Speaking Spanish Helpful?

    yup, i agree. that is why i want to learn it. its a romantic language for me.... ciao, arudarbme
  4. Speaking Spanish Helpful?

    yes, i plan to learn italina in the far future.... that is if i have time to learn .:) arudarbme
  5. i didn't have many choices when i finished highschool. back then in my poor provincial life, i was only fed with the idea of nursing, then wanting to become a doctor. my titas did encourage me, because they wnated me to go to the United States. :) i ...
  6. Speaking Spanish Helpful?

    I think, learning spanish is great. I :roll am trying to learn myself. Aside from the fact that its the common language in the south, it's culturally enhacing to learn spanish