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All Content by srobb11

  1. New grad in the ER, yes or no?

    As a new grad in the ER getting to the end of orientation, I'll tell you it's hard. Time management is my biggest obstacle at this point, which I know will come with time. Everyone keeps telling me...
  2. Ruptured Appendix

    Here's my personal appendix ruptured about 4 years ago and I wasn't taken to the OR initially. I spent 7 days in the hospital with intense antibiotic treatment, a drain was inserted...
  3. ER CNS

    That was my first thought too. University of South Alabama also has a program for Advanced Emergency Nursing/FNP
  4. slash dashers cut nuts bair huggers drape capers sterile fielders
  5. Calling Code Blue in ED

    Since there is already a team in place in the ER fully capable of handling a code 24/7, it seems extremely counterproductive to have a Code Blue Team respond to the ER. Also, it takes away care from...
  6. Mission accomplished..... RN CEN CCRN status

  7. Sometimes you just can't bite your tongue.....

    Isn't that the truth. It never ceases to amaze me just how special they can be. We were coding a patient the other day and we had a frequent flyer in a room near the nurses' station. I ran to the...
  8. Fayetteville Nurse Practitioner-Piedmont Medical Care Corporation-Immediate Care, Fayetteville GA Job - GA, 30214 Atlanta Acute Care Extender-Piedmont Heart Institute, Atlanta GA Job - GA, 30301 It...
  9. Scrubs in the Emergency Department

    Scrubs, any color, just has to be
  10. What is up with all the Dilaudid?

  11. I graduated this past December with an ADN and got a job in the unit I was already working in as a tech. I highly recommend students try to get a job while still in school if
  12. 7p-7a or 3p-3a...any insight?

    Hi everyone, I've been working as an ER tech during my last semester of school, graduated in December and passed NCLEX. I've been lucky enough to have been offered an RN position in the ER. My...
  13. 7p-7a or 3p-3a...any insight?

    Thanks again for all your input and advice. I ended up going with the 3p-3a shift. My preceptor works days so it looks like it will be a while before I will actually work that
  14. 7p-7a or 3p-3a...any insight?

    Ah, good advice! I guess I'm odd or just too new, but I love the 12 hour shifts and love it when all hell breaks
  15. Employability of new grad nurses in Georgia

    I couldn't agree more. The best way to land a job as a new grad is to work as a tech/nurse extern/PCT during school, even if it's only during your last semester. That's how I got my job in the
  16. 7p-7a or 3p-3a...any insight?

    I've only worked days in the ER (as a tech), so I can't really compare, but one of the things I love is that the time seems to fly by, as you mentioned. I actually find myself thinking "wow, it's time...
  17. I agree with the above, it never hurts to try. I applied for an ER tech job in August, started in September and I was graduating in December. They actually liked the fact that I was graduating soon...
  18. 7p-7a or 3p-3a...any insight?

    Thanks everyone for your input. You've provided some great advice and I appreciate it. I'm leaning towards 3-3 for the reasons you all have stated. Thanks VicedRN. I've noticed that it seems to be...
  19. It really depends on where you live. In some areas, the market is tighter than
  20. Atlanta, Georgia. Not only within the city, but there are a ton of hospitals outside of the city that will hire ADNs. Check hospitals from Atlanta down to Columbus, GA and Macon, GA. Good
  21. Taking NCLEX on Monday!!!

    Great job, congratulations! I'm taking mine on Thursday. I wasn't really too worried until I woke up this morning and realized I only have 3 days...I'm starting to
  22. Taking NCLEX on Monday!!!

  23. Advice on which job to take...

    I just had to log in and say.....GO CANES!!!!!!! If your ultimate goal is CRNA, and you can do part time, then I would go with the SICU
  24. Two Job offers....

    Yeh, sounds like a rough situation to be in. But, you have to do what is best for you and if you need money now then take the job you can get. I hate to sound cynical, but employers look out for...
  25. Getting into an ER as a Tech

    I applied online and was lucky enough to get a call back and wooed them with my charm at the But seriously, our ER loves to hire techs with an EMT background, so I would think you...