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About Kimmi73

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  1. hi everyone i am a recent rn grad, taking my nclex-rn next week. i have an interview for an outpatient dialysis position in a few days. any advice? i really want to prepare for this interview but have...
  2. Hi everyone I am a recent RN grad, taking my NCLEX-RN next week. I have an interview for an outpatient dialysis position in a few days. Any advice? I really want to prepare for this interview but have...
  3. Confusion on Rounding in Nursing Math. PLease Help!!!

    Consult with your nursing handbook which should have clear definitions on rounding. Also ask the instructor, as each one can be different. At my school we round all drop questions to the nearest whole...
  4. Need Help for Nanda

    What about Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity. He has diarrhea and immobility
  5. whats the diffrence ???

    This is so frustrating!!! This is exactly why people go around and call themselves "nurses" when they are clearly a medical assistant or technician etc. (The lady who signed you up needs to be set...
  6. midwife or MD?

    I'm currently pregnant and in nursing school. I'm going with a CNM who delivers at the hospital. She's awesome and I wouldn't trust anyone for my care. She's in practice with 3 other docs just in...
  7. I attend LCC and yes we are required to do 4 hours of Community Service each semester. It's nice though, we can choose where we
  8. Accepted!

    Congratulations!!!! It's a wonderful feeling. I'm finishing up my first semester of NS and remember the feeling when I got my acceptance letter. I did the same thing and just read the word...
  9. I'm currently in my first semester of NS BUT I can completely relate to "stressing out" about getting in. I swear everyday the mail would come I hyperventilated. :) Then when I did get the letter, I...
  10. How would you rate RN school

    Nursing school is challenging but sounds like you're organized which is crucial. You CAN'T fall behind. Stay on track and always know what you have next to do. Now I start clinicals in 2 days, so I...
  11. Yes! I made it through my first week of nursing school!!! I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit already.
  12. Elementary Education or Nursing?

    Thank you for the advice! Do you mind me asking what state your niece lives in? I live in
  13. I've been offered a seat into a nursing program starting Jan. 2008. Let me start out that I'm well aware of all the benefits and what it takes to be a nurse. Trust me all I wanted for 4 years (taking...
  14. Any Lansing Community College students?

    I had all the pre-reqs and the required classes completed. I would suggest having most if not all completed this way it can boost your GPA and give more completed credits towards the degree completed....
  15. Any Lansing Community College students?

    I applied one time and was accepted. I start Jan 08. I did apply one time prior but never finished Math 112 so technically I wasn't eligible. I feel confidant with the requirements and gaining the...