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All Content by TopCat1234

  1. Student loans

    i am finishing my bs in finance. not going for a bsn, accelerated or otherwise, cause of the max out. i am applying to a direct-entry msn programs only because as a graduate student you get another $92,500 from the feds. otherwise, i have to start a...
  2. A&P in the summer is absolute hell

    along with 3 business classes. that's my summer schedule. i don't know whether to :chuckle or topcat
  3. Opinions on Financial Letter PLEASE

    on what basis are these decisions overturned, ie financial hardship, or unforseen circumstances? for example, you took out loans for a semester, but couldn't continue class that semester for an illness or a death in the family and now that money was...
  4. Roll Call - Who's starting this summer/fall?

    accepted as an alternate. which is why my line still says "wish me luck!" but if i am accepted, i would start august 30th. please lord! topcat
  5. Student Loan Spinoff: How much?

    that was just for my bachelor's degree in finance. the msn will probably take another $50,000 - $25,000 for school, $25,000 to live. aegirl, i sure hope i get one of those jobs, i'm gonna need it!:chuckle topcat
  6. Student loans

    be careful! and this is why i'm in the mess i'm in now. yes, you most definitely can do it and i have - to make a deposits on apts and car payments and such. but there is a limit - as an independent student you can only take out $46,000 total as an...
  7. GRE Prep Courses

    i checked out the book from the library. the library book was a bit outdated, so i bith a barron's mini-book - updates to the gre for $8.95. i downloaded the gre prep software from the gre site. i studied two weeks prior to my test date. i scored ...
  8. They didn't make it :(

    that's rough! it's hard to see your classmates gone after working so hard. what was on the math competency quiz? was it really hard? topcat
  9. Summer School Starting

    started with business policy and strategy 2 weeks ago - i am finishing my bs in finance. i'm glad that i will be focusing on that class solely for the first few weeks, as it is pretty tough. i start the rest - microbiology online, a&p i and ii ...
  10. Career Changers with no prev. educ in SCIENCES!

    the national student nurse with no experience in science association! i take microbiology and a&p this summer, along with the 3 remaining biz class for my degree. busy busy busy! topcat
  11. Accelerated BSN or BSN/MSN?

    nope. since it's considered a second degree, you only are allowed financial aid for the last two years, your junior and senior year. since you already have a degree, you don't need to redo your freshman and sophomore years, so you don't get the who...
  12. school interview

    keeping fingers and toes crossed! topcat
  13. Accelerated BSN or BSN/MSN?

    thank goodness your parents were prepared! i went back to school when i "grew up" :chuckle and "paid" my own way via loans. credit rating has absolutely no bearing on the federal student loan amounts i mentioned above. if you take out private loan...
  14. Accelerated BSN or BSN/MSN?

    this is what my financial aid officer at my current school told me. i am finishing my bs in finance this summer. unfortunately, because i am reaching the aggregate level for undergraduate degree, i will be coming out of my own pocket this summer and...
  15. Ideas Please - Grad Song

    i too am sorry to hear awful. how about going old school with "we are the world" or "that's what friends are for"? topcat
  16. End of the semster crunch anyone??

    my husband and i went fishing in the rv. the state run campground cost $13 per night. we ate what we caught, so groceries, even with breakfast and lunch were kept to a minimum. i think the whole trip cost about $500-$600 even with gas. even if you...
  17. HELP!!!--retake Physiology

    where did you get the books from? i've tried getting books thru and other sources before and no matter how early i seem to order them from these alternate sources, i never seem to get them on time for class. :angryfire so i went ahead and ...
  18. HELP!!!--retake Physiology

    i'm taking that microbiology class too! maybe we can be internet study partners!topcat
  19. End of the semster crunch anyone??

    my spring semester ended early for me; i started summer session this past thursday. but yep, 3 weeks ago, when i had 2 finals, 4 papers due and one was a huge presentation to the class, i had no motivation and desire - i was soooo looking forward to ...
  20. Just wanted to say Hi new to the board

    i'm lucky - my husband is supportive, even if it puts us in the poorhouse. but i wanted to welcome you to allnurses! topcat
  21. Accelerated BSN or BSN/MSN?

    i am looking at two msn programs: university of san diego and western university. both of these schools offer the direct-entry msn and you can choose your specialty. usd has the most specialties to choose from: fnp, pnp, anp, acns and health care sys...
  22. Accelerated BSN or BSN/MSN?

    if it helps...the school that i am an alternate for, western u, requires that you have at least one year of nursing experience before you graduate with the msn. after finishing the first year of nursing courses and while working on the master's part...
  23. Accelerated BSN or BSN/MSN?

    sounds like the school that i am an alternate for - western u in pomona? suzanne - how can annabelle get experience in that area if she can't get hired in that area without experience? the old catch-22! yes, the msn programs make you choose a sp...
  24. Career Changers with no prev. educ in SCIENCES!

    thank you for staying in dallas, ned! i would be scared if you were in any of my classes here in california! topcat
  25. Accelerated BSN or BSN/MSN?

    i was assuming, based on the op's age, that she already had a bachelor's degree and was looking to make a change to nursing. that is why i responded as i did. no worries! :) topcat