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All Content by resumecpr

  1. Why apologize to doctor when calling?

    I always say "thank you for returning the page."
  2. Hypotension question

    You have to be careful not to just run in a bolus without an order because the rate (if 999ml/hr) may be contraindicated for a patient with CHF or renal failure. You have to think critically about why this patient is hypotensive. Are they sleeping...
  3. Nervous about giving resignation

    In citing a reason in your resignation letter, write something along the lines of "seeking new opportunities." Don't forget to mention some of the positive aspects of the job in the and then blow them out of the water by ending with the mission sta...
  4. What To Do After You've Made A Mistake

    Although I do agree with the principle of your post, I have to play devil's advocate and say that regarding "Maria" and her med error, I feel that the person who handed her the med was also partially at fault. In my experience, in ACLS situations, ...
  5. Nurses don't save lives....WHAT?

    Tell him to go to med school.
  6. OP: Have you noticed that not one of these posts in response to your original has not supported your theory? Just an observation from a night shifter for over 5 years.
  7. Thank you gift for a preceptor?

    Gift certificate to a restaurant. We need to get out every once in a while.
  8. Gift ideas for my stepfather, the soon-to-be LPN

    Coffee beans, a grinder, and a personalized large coffee mug.
  9. I had a family member walk into another patient's room WHILE WE WERE CODING HIM, to demand a glass of water for his mother in the room next door. Families do not understand our job, nor will they try when their loved one is your patient. All that mat...
  10. How about high-frequency therapy and infra-red therapy?
  11. Arterial Line question???

    I would first get a MD order, and a pressure bag.
  12. VENT: Frustrated, working at new ICU (not new to ICU)

    I know EXACTLY how you feel OP. In fact, I posted a thead that was quite similar a few months ago. I too, walk the halls, offering help to everyone (38 bed unit) about once an hour after I am caught up and I still have nothing to do. I have also felt...
  13. How do you categorize patient stability?

    Does the patient need help with ADLs? Are they on any critical drips? Do they have a central line? Are they on telemetry? Has there been any unpredicatble events (like a code, fall etc). Do they or the family need emotional/spiritual communication or...
  14. Neonatal Sepsis

    To demonstrate a newborn, use a sponge
  15. What's a "Complex Medicine" floor?

    More like long-term acute care. Some patients will have tracheostomies, g/pegtube feeds, vents, drips like cardiazem, dopamine but non-titrating. Lots of wound care.
  16. If you think you're going to cry in front of a patient or visitor - start doing multiplication tables in your head. Works every time. Good luck to you and whatever path you choose. You are a good nurse. Don't get down on yourself. It sounds like ...
  17. At the hospital I used to work at there was a transporter there who was awesome! I called him "Flash" cause he was so fast! I never had to wait more than 5 minutes for him. And for scheduled AM head CTs, he was the only one ever on time. He was s...
  18. Fired By Patient Family

    Ummm....isn't that a part of the National Patient Safety Goals? "If a patient poses a danger of falling or pulling lines, etc due to confusion, the BEST practice is to have a family member sit with them." That's obviuosly not the direct quote, but ...
  19. Conflict of Interest?

    Hello All! For the past 2 weeks I have been taking care of a patient in particular whose family is totally involved in his care. They use homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, infrared lights, and high frequency therapy to aid in his healin...
  20. Fabulous nurse

    Anyone who has visited a hospital recently knows there is nothing "sexy" or "provocative" about a nurse. People are going to think what they want to think. It is what it is. I have learned to choose my battles with the stigma of healthcare.
  21. Conflict of Interest?

    Thanks for your responses everyone! I suppose I just needed to hear it from an objective party.
  22. Scrubs: MOBB, Dickies, other favourites??

    Cherokee. Draw string pants (hundreds of colour choices) with slight flare leg. There are other styles as well. Less than $20 per pair. Tops have several styles/patterns/colours. No more than $25 each. It's all I've ever worn.
  23. I'm having a 'me' day.

    Surf of ski (depending where I am) Wear makeup Make love Call my mom Sunday dinner with my boyfriend's parents Open a bottle of wine and eat some Piave cheese (yummm) Repeat
  24. I was working in triage one night and a guy asked to see one of the "code trauma" patients that had arrived earlier. I explained that the doctors and nurses were trying to stabilize the patient and that visitors are not allowed at this critical time...
  25. EPIC, documentation & time management advice

    Left click on the time at the top of the column to highlight, then right click and choose where to paste! I love that feature!