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All Content by resumecpr

  1. What do you do when you're a pt?

    I had surgery last year in the hospital I worked in. I never let any of the nurses know who I was. However, it was all the administration, co-worker, and NAM visits that kind of ruined it for me. When I was discharged, I saw that someone had put a...
  2. New Grad in the ICU, words of wisdom from the pro's please! :)

    We have a "bible" here by Kathy White. A great reference tool. Remember, teamwork will get you through a crappy shift. Don't take it personally when a doc wags his/her finger at you and screams at the top of their lungs. Finally, "You don't know wha...
  3. New grad know it all

    I have to wonder if this is a generation X / Y difference.
  4. Lost my cool

    I think what you said was perfect. It was by no means rude or condescending. You were to the point, and your focus was on the patient. I would not apologize. I would also make sure I didn't have that patient back again. Well done, IMHO! =;
  5. Drug Screen question

    Lol! Gin and pot! Talk about some happy nurses!!
  6. Any RNs switched to PA career?

    If you thought nursing shcool was hard, PA school will be worse. It goes more in depth with A&P and Patho. If you find yourself getting flustered now, wait until all eyes are on you in a crisis! I tend to think that working as a PA may be even...
  7. I went to nursing school in an area surrounded by indian reservations (Blackfoot and Ojibway). Both my school and the local hospital had "smudging areas" inside. They were areas designated for smudgung to be practiced (smoking sage and cleansing th...
  8. Never enough-vent

    I would have handed the family some soap, a basin and some linens and had them "particiapte in patient care."
  9. Why do we continue to do it?

    Because I'm good at it.
  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you...for your courteous yet assertive respsonse!
  11. MRSA. Gross. I'm sure we all have it by now though if we work in a hospital setting.
  12. "Bumped to the Bottom??"

    Thanks for the replies. The educator is leaving on 4/28. She basically told me that this is not her problem, and there is no new educator slotted to take her place anytime soon. It will make no difference to take a class at another venue becaus...
  13. "Bumped to the Bottom??"

    I applied to train for open-heart in Feb, was approved, took a test, and am now awaiting the training part which will take about 2-3 weeks. I have experience with balloon pumps from a previous CICU position, and did take the class at my new job just...
  14. Other nurses signing my initials

    It sounds like the person who signed your initials was doing you a favor. Whatever the reason however, it is totally wrong, and unfortunately makes you accountable. I would first speak with the person who signed it for you, and let them know that a...
  15. can u be a nurse with hyperhidrosis?

    Please!! No baby powder! Some of us (and patients) have reactive airway disease, asthma etc and powder can cause a severe bronchospasm. OP: You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to.
  16. How touching. Sounds like you are the hero as well my dear. My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope everything turns out for the best.
  17. How long do you apply pressure when d/c a balloon pump

    Check with the manufacturer's handbook, as well as hospital policy. Where I work, it's at least 20 minutes, above the insertion site, with 2 fingers.
  18. All Nurses

    Respect (as I will give the same).
  19. My shift got better.....Staff Massage's

    I second that! How nice.
  20. That was a little harsh, don't you agree?
  21. Dropping pressures with nitro. Anyone experience this??

    Right sided MI. Nitroglycerin is contraindicted. Study up!
  22. possible allergic reactions?

    Benadryl and Solumedrol will cause a very hot feeling over the face and chest, sometimes cause the patient to feel like they can't breathe. Next time, ensure you push slowly and dilute well.
  23. Sigh. Is this really how we are graded?

    I have to say that yes, the original post was long, but I did not think there was a length limit. So, for those who requested a shorter post, I wag my pointer finger at you! I do agree that I would not have allowed the patient to dictate what time h...
  24. How much are ACLS instructors paid?

    $250 per student per class. That includes breakfast and lunch (we taught at a restaurant)
  25. What to you like about being a nurse?

    I absolutely LOVE the thrill of saving a life, even if it takes an entire 12 hour shift. When I have a patient with every vasopressor known maxed, CHF, and renal failure, on a vent, pressures in the toilet, lungs full of fluid, HR in the high 100's,...