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All Content by sch1109

  1. What date do you start Nursing school?

    I'll be starting August 23rd! So far I've bought my stethoscope, most of my books, a planner and a few other school supplies (paper, pens, pencils, post it's...) I want to start getting ready and buy more but our school has only given us a textbook l...
  2. What Stethoscope do I purchase for nursing school?

    You might want to check EBay as well. I got a brand new Littmann Classic II SE on there for $60 including shipping.
  3. question about evening RN program

    What evening program are you applying to? I'm starting an evening program in August and classes are Monday through Thursday 6:30-9:30pm with a 12 hour clinical on Saturday. It's two years just like the day program.
  4. What color is your stethoscope???

    Thanks! I just bought my stethoscope the other day in Ocean Blue :)
  5. What color is your stethoscope???

    Thanks everyone!
  6. TEAS practice test 4 vs.5

    I've never taken the TEAS 4 but I took version 5 and I hear it's supposed to be harder.
  7. Mine is on the 10th also
  8. Teas Test Prep

    What version of the TEAS will you be taking?
  9. I was just trying to get an idea of what to expect. Thanks!
  10. Thanks everyone. I was going to buy my books used from a previous student and spend about $300. I guess that's not a bad deal at all!
  11. Need help with Remington tuition!

    I've hear of the HRSA scholarship that helps pay living expenses if you qualify. I think you have to have an EFC of zero and since you are unemployed you most likely qualify. I don't know much about it except that you have to agree to work for them ...
  12. I know they want to see our documents (HS transcripts or diploma, CPR certification, health insurance etc.) and we also have to pay for the matriculation fee, background check and drug test. I'm assuming they'll probably also discuss the program with...
  13. Congratulations on getting accepted! Are you going to do the day or night program? I got accepted into the evening program.
  14. Hi everyone! I submitted my application for the day program and took the TEAS V last week. I tried getting information about what type of scores would be considered competitive but since the test is new to them I couldn't get much info from the advi...
  15. Baptist Health System Nursing Program San Antonio

    Good luck to everyone:yeah: I got my acceptance for the evening program this morning!
  16. Accepted to NS? What was your GPA?

    I was just accepted and I had a 3.5
  17. Baptist Health System Nursing Program San Antonio

    Thanks! Good luck to you too! I haven't heard anything. I think they're going to send emails out this week.
  18. TEAS test in 13 days! Applying to HCC LVN

    By the way I took version V which is a little more difficult then version 3/4. Which version will you be taking?
  19. TEAS test in 13 days! Applying to HCC LVN

    Congrats on the baby on the way! And about the TEAS it's definitely possible. I only studied seriously for a week and a half and I got a 77% The reading and English parts are not hard so I just focused on the math mainly and a little on Chemistry sin...
  20. Baptist Health System Nursing Program San Antonio

    Thanks! I've hear that it's really competitive-especially the night program. I have a 3.5 GPA and I did good on the TEAS so I'm hoping that's enough to get in. Right now it's just torture waiting to hear back! How do you like the program so far?
  21. Wow! Thanks for writing all that down! I've applied to the Baptist Nursing Program for the fall and after reading everything you wrote I feel a lot more confident that this is really the place I'd like to go. I considered SAC as well because I've hea...
  22. TEAS Test Question

    I think it depends on which version of the TEAS you are taking. I took version V last month and the study manual I purchased through ati was specific to that version. You should probably also check with the school and maybe they might be able to reco...
  23. TEAS Test Question

    I bought the study manual and it was a huge help for me. The math is not difficult but you're not allowed to use a calculator on the TEAS test and for me there were so many basic problems that I had forgotten how to do without a calculator like divid...
  24. I've heard the same thing from my school. I took this last month and scored a 77% which at first I thought was bad because I was comparing it with people who have taken other versions. This is the first year the program I'm applying to is using the T...
  25. registered nurse fall 2010...pls help!!!

    I live in San Antonio. The Baptist School for Health Professions has an ADN program and they are accepting applications through May 1st for the fall.