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All Content by greenbear

  1. Scott &White January 2014 nursing residency

    I called the HR manager today and she said that the 5N position has been filled
  2. Parkland Feb 2014 residencies/internships

    Hi Briterz! I just applied to the ortho/med surg (urology) and burn icu positions today. Congratulations on getting an interview. How long ago did you apply? Did you have to contact them?
  3. Scott &White January 2014 nursing residency

    I also applied for the FT acute care position and my status just says submitted. I'm afraid to contact HR just because I don't want to get on their bad side.
  4. Scott &White January 2014 nursing residency

    Does anyone know how to get in contact with the recruiters? I'd like to follow-up with them at Scott & White. Its been about 3 weeks now. I applied to the OR and acute care internships.