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About EbonyBorn2Succeed

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  1. Funny doctor orders

    Uhhh yeah wound care. Sorry I work in Home health. BUt we use both wound care and wheelchair
  2. What would you say???

    I think if a md asks someone " Do you know how to speak English?" A good response would be "Do you know how to write in English? Bc this sh*t looks like
  3. Funny doctor orders

    I have'nt seen any funny ones (bc there actually pretty sad) but I hate when a dr writes "WC TO LE" like.. can you be more specific
  4. Why do nurses treat each other do way they do?

    It's not just in healthcare it's the way of the world. The whole world is divided by "classes". Upper class, higher middle class, lower middle class, low class. People are taught to treat people that...
  5. Well from another young person (1990) :dncgbby: I went a different route. It all depends on whats good for you. Some people I know got their LPN 1st and then did a year to get their ADN. It helps you...
  6. Soooo... Are you at a disadvantage at NS? I think I am.

  7. For Fun - Things You Want to Buy Once You're a Nurse

    Welllll since you asked *Pulls out long scroll* lol j/k I'm looking into buying a house NOW. Houses are so cheap now. You can buy a 3/2 townhouse for 75,000 and the mortgage would be cheaper than what...
  8. Soooo... Are you at a disadvantage at NS? I think I am.

    Yeah you will definitely need a dependable ride. You don't want to have to depend on someone to give you a ride to school 4 days out of the week because they will start acting funny trust me. What...
  9. I've had ENOUGH (vent)

    Have you ever thought about working in home health? I'm sure there are some agencies in your area looking for good
  10. what would you do?

    LOL Wow! "No you shutup!" that is too funny. Is there a DON or anyone higher up that you can report this to? This is unethical and just plain
  11. Nursing Students Needed for Anonymous Survey!

    Hope I helped
  12. HELP!! My husband is killing my study schedule...

    Well IMO there's going to be a point in your marriage where your husband gets sick of seeing you so I would cherish the attention that he's giving you now. Most marriages don't last now-a-days
  13. Dealing with first loss of patient

    I don't think anyone should ever get comfortable with
  14. First week of school! :-)

    Well I go to a univ. that does 1 course q month so it's not anything I cant handle. My 1st course was intro to computers and that was easy peasy. Pretty frustrating too bc all those older people didnt...
  15. Well, I for 1 hardly ever tire of doing my spouse BUT I go to a private university so there's like no black men there especially taking up nursing. Now when I start clinicals I would'nt mind getting...