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All Content by CFitzRN

  1. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    The scratching & banging on the walls is pretty freaky
  2. A Kick of Gratitude

    And that, right there, is the peace of God that passes all understanding. That's exactly what it is. His word is
  3. A Kick of Gratitude

    I am so touched by your story, especially how you turned to our Lord at the darkest moment possible and allowed Him to hold and heal you. I am so inspired. God bless
  4. Oh look, more condescension. Imagine my
  5. The basic premise of this article is condescension. "We are right, they are wrong, so how do we make them do what we want?" And this is what I find with the gene-therapy pushing crowd. They won't...
  6. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    (To Doc WorkADay) I had somehow missed this, but enjoyed reading your story. Without going into detail (which would take the better part of a week, undoubtedly), I am a practicing Catholic who has...
  7. School Shootings

    Broken families cause far, far more damage than most people will admit. Sure, there are a bunch of us who came from divorced parents, blended families, childhood trauma, and we didn't turn into mass...
  8. School Shootings

    I don't think there is any one singular cause of these shootings, but I believe one of the most obvious and stark causes is the breakdown of the family. Missing fathers and America's broken boys -...
  9. School Shootings

    Rhetoric like that doesn't help. There are something like 300 million guns in the US, so even if all law-abiding gun owners turned over their firearms, there would still be tens of millions of guns...
  10. The Wrong Dose - A True Story of Medication Error

    The kinds of nurses who immediately shame another nurse, yell, make a huge deal out of a mistake, are the nurses I would fear the most. They are prideful yet insecure, and they have a clear need to...
  11. Whoa! That's really good. I'm guessing you have to be really good at IVs... I'd need some refreshing.
  12. Also, don't forget Nurse Case Management. Like Julie above, I work with clients on a Medicaid waiver program, but I work with medically fragile children. I oversee their aide or nursing services,...
  13. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    I don't think you would bore anyone with your stories. This stuff is fascinating. The tall skinny thing in a dark open field in Minnesota is pretty freaky too, LOL. I love how this thread just...
  14. I work for a Case Management agency contracted by the state. It is called RHA Health Services - look for it in your
  15. i fall easily into this category and suffered greatly when I began my new grad position on the Labor & Delivery floor of my hospital. My inability to be perfect messed with my head really badly,...
  16. Honestly, that sounds like one of the first levels of hell. There are most certainly any number of other nursing jobs you can
  17. Is there an overseeing doctor? Can you ask him to write orders for this OTC med for the men? Are the men not able to choose to use OTC meds themselves while in the facility? I have to say, I am very...
  18. I've read some comments but there are so many, I can't read them all. Instead I'll just say this: I could have written this post. I went to nursing school at the age of 42, after being a stay-home mom...
  19. Can you elaborate on "writing gigs"? What sort of writing jobs can a nurse have? Thanks in
  20. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    Okay, literally seconds after typing my post above, I received the following email (mass email for Lent from Fr. Richard Heilman): "THIS DAY WE FIGHT Spiritually speaking, the devil is doing all that...
  21. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    I really enjoyed this. COOL pictures too. I found myself nodding at a lot of your post. I absolutely do think that children are more sensitive to the supernatural. I also think fear is a beacon to...
  22. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    I'm pretty sure I posted this somewhere in this thread, but in case it was missed, I believe I encountered a patient that was, at the very least, influenced by a demonic entity or possessed. As a...
  23. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    It's good that this thread has been revived just in time for the season of All Hallows. Please share your ghost stories with
  24. For all INFP personality types only

    Hey, I think it's pretty cool you've stuck it out for 5 years. I only did bedside care for a short time before I knew I was absolutely not cut out for it. I've been blessed in that I landed a couple...
  25. For all INFP personality types only

    "I just feel like another number, not a person." You just described hospital nursing to a 'T' - at least my experience. I couldn't stand the completely depersonalized nature of it, like I couldn't...