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All Content by Tarabara

  1. Question from a nursing student

    its been said before but I cant emphasize it enough: its so bad when a nurse asks students if they want to do something and the student says "no i've already done that before, i dont need to again". Take every opportunity to learn, even if you had do...
  2. How would you change Healthcare Delivery?

    My very first thought when i read your question was to fix the continuity of care too. I completey agree with what you've said about having a system like with credit history so that patients can have all their medical history together and accessible ...
  3. ASU- a school hospitals hire from?

    I'm not sure about RN to BSN, but I just graduated with my BSN from ASU this past December and most of my classmates are working already and the local hospitals did seem to favor ASU students as most of the externships were given to ASU students. Goo...
  4. Favourite Doctor Moments

    I work at a VA hospital and had a pt yelling about wanting a private room and family members to stay all night with him and things like that. When we told him it was not a hotel and his family could not sleep over and have tons of blankets and pillow...
  5. Unique/Uncommon Nursing Careers

    As I am a new grad, this is not my job but something I'm very interested in for the future. We had a guest speaker who works with the donor network talk to us, his job is to take care of the pts waiting to become donors. It sounded really interesting...
  6. Bad Clinical Experiences - Little to no hands-on

    I wouldnt say your situation is too uncommon, I just graduated and thought exactly like you after my first year. But you should get a lot more hands on opportunities your second year, especially your last semester. There was such a huge change during...
  7. Sgoneal- I emailed you so check your email! :) Hmm I wonder if we had extra questions because there were a lot of applicants because I do remember them saying something like 'due to the number of applicants we would like you to fill out these questio...
  8. Medication shortages?

    I keep randomly seeing small things about important medications being in short supply but I haven't heard it from any doc or nurse. Plus I think if we had a shortage of crucial meds it'd be a big thing in the news. Although I may just be out of the l...
  9. VA nurses, help with federal resume please!

    Thank you for your replies! After calling about 500 times (they probably hate me now haha) I finally figured out all the forms and stuff, and had a really good interview with the salt lake city VA. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :)
  10. Hey sgoneal! Do you mind if i ask what program you're in? If the application process is still the same, they will send everyone some questions to answer and send back. I personally believe it was the questions that helped them decide who to interview...
  11. I just graduated nursing school and was a VALOR myself, i would highly recommend it. As a valor I did 400 hours, and then was hired on as a tech after that and continued to work through nursing school. It was a great experience and I really learned a...
  12. ASU Summer 2010 Program Applicants

    You're welcome :) usually CCNS (college council of nursing students) pairs up a jr 1 with a student further along in the program to help provide info and answer questions but for some reason the last 2 students I was paired with never responded or as...
  13. ASU Summer 2010 Program Applicants

    Color or type of stethoscope doesn't matter, mines pink and several people had bright orange. Also you can buy the white pants from other places but apparel pro gives asu students 25% off. Congrats on getting in and good luck :)
  14. The dumbest thing you've ever heard...

    I love it when I'm admitting a pt and when asking about health history they tell you something completely not related to the question that happened many many years ago... me: do you have a hx of stroke? pt: no, but when i was 7 yrs old I fell off my ...
  15. Help! I'm horrified and grossed out!!

    It is somewhat uncomfortable and definitely not my favorite part of the day but you have to remember its probably a lot more uncomfortable for your patient than you. Plus, if for some reason you were not able to toilet yourself wouldnt you be so grat...
  16. ASU Summer of 2011 applicants!

    You're welcome :) I have the Saunders NCLEX review book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1437708250/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0721692389&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0F8...
  17. ASU Summer of 2011 applicants!

    Who is teaching your course? (just first name, i dont think we can put full names on here) I would suggest getting an NCLEX study book because they have lots of practice questions that not only help you study but help you get used to the style of nur...
  18. Weekend Only Nurse?

    While I agree with what you're saying, I do think people should know what they're getting into. I dont know where you or the OP are from but I know at least in my state I hear commercials daily telling people to get into nursing because its "only 2 y...
  19. please, please, PLEASE dont tell pts something just to make them happy when its really not going to happen, because you walk away and the nurses are the ones to have to answer all day why things arent being done. Like my patient yesterday who was pro...
  20. Weekend Only Nurse?

    To be quite honest, this^ plus your original post make me feel like you're just looking for an easy quick way to make decent money. Nursing is by far not something to go into for that reason, its hard work and a difficult degree, plus a lot of the ti...
  21. ASU Fall 2011 hopeful's

    First of all congratulations to those who made it! and for those of you who didnt dont give up!! I am a Sr2 in the ASU nursing program and I'm just curious about how the advancement scores are determined now. When my class was starting our cut off sc...
  22. Best MD note

    We have a dementia pt that says the most random things sometimes and I read a hospitalist note that said: "Pt states 'i fell in love with my foley in the shower this morning' a comment I chose to gloss over" hahaha
  23. New Grad with Chronic Fatigue

    thank you for writing this thread OP, i too suffer from chronic fatigue and it worries me. I am a student, graduating in dec and I get worried if i'll be able to handle the demands of an RN. I currently am working on a medical oncology floor as an ex...
  24. I need some advice on how to work with a dementia patient. I have looked up past threads on here about this but I couldnt quit find the answer for my particular situation. It seems that most of the advice I read was in regards to pts in LTC, but I am...
  25. First patient death

    I am still a nursing student and I am doing an externship this summer on a med surg floor. This morning was the first time that a patient died that I actually knew. He'd been on our floor for months because he had dementia and we were trying to plac...