

Chiropractic assistant, CNA in LTC, RN

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About paacollins

paacollins specializes in Chiropractic assistant, CNA in LTC, RN.

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  1. LTC and physician's offices are where you find most of the LPN jobs around here (NC triad). Hospitals rarely hire LPNS. As another poster said, RN jobs are hard to come by too. I am an RN and I...
  2. I prefer working with new grads,or non-hospital nurses

    There are friendly nurses with positive attitudes in every area of nursing just as there are grumpy nurses with negative attitudes in every area as well. I've met veteran nurses who fall into both...
  3. So, I have to be a bad nurse to be a good nurse?

    I loved eriksoln's analogy. I really couldn't have put it better. I work in LTC and our hall nurses are so rushed it is not funny. They have 24 to 30 residents, many of whom are rehab patients and...
  4. I have been a nurse for 7 months now and work in a very fast paced LTC/rehab facility. I was on the floor for the first several months and now I am a 2nd shift charge nurse. I now help train new...
  5. Why aren't nursing homes doing 12 hour shifts???

    Our LTC facility won't allow 12 hours shifts cause it is a corporate rule. However, they did 12 hour shifts before the new management company took over. That all being said, I am scheduled for 8s...
  6. Leave me alone when I'm passing meds!!!!!

    My CNAs rarely interrupt me. It's the ringing phone, family members, or department heads saying "do you know you have a call light?" that stops my med pass. I want to say "I know I have a dang call...
  7. What's a PRN?

    Not necessarily. I worked PRN as a CNA and I sat down with my boss once a month, told her the days I could work and she scheduled me to work as many of those days as her schedule allowed. On call,...
  8. Is It Possible An LPN Can Make More Then An RN?

    I agree with both posters. Mentioning the salary of others is usually a HUGE "no no". She's been there 2 years so she most likely got a nice raise. If you like your job and want to keep it I'd keep...
  9. Need some encouraging words as new grad in LTC

    It depends on the facility as to when meds are late. Some of the facilities I did clinicals in had the 30 minute before and 30 minute after rule and others had a 60 minute before and 60 minute after....
  10. Thank you, LPNs

    I am hopefully starting a new job as an RN in LTC next week. It will be my first job as an RN and I will definitely be relying on my seasoned LPNS and CNAS so show me the ropes. I may have RN behind...
  11. What Pre Req Books have helped while in Nursing school?

    I took a year of medical terminology and my classmates were surprised how I knew what so many words meant. I loaned out my book and my husband's book for them to use. The course really helped me...
  12. THANK YOU to experienced nurses, from a new grad

    What a sweet post. I hope things work out for you soon dear. It's hard in all the states I think and, according to a friend in Canada, its not that great there. When most of my friends graduated in...
  13. If you have an administrator saying "CNAs grow on trees", he/she is setting the stage for disaster. True,there are tons of CNAs out there but a truly hard-working, caring CNA that believes in...
  14. License question. Please help !

    Well, that's true. I didn't read it correctly either. I think the OP and I are suffering from "just took NCLEX, passed the dang thing, got new license, still in shock blues." lol I'd call and ask...
  15. Studying for NCLEX

    I've got the 4th edition of Saunders, which was the newest version in 2008. They might have a newer one out now. Always get the newest edition you can find is my opinion. You can also find used...