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  1. Georgetown WHC Scholarship discontinued?

    You can switch...from what I understand you can switch after a year of year and a
  2. Georgetown WHC Scholarship discontinued?

    Hey BRE5013, The scholarship is still active through WHC. I started last fall and we have about 50 people in our cohort and about 30 have the WHC scholarship. It will end up being around 16,000...
  3. Georgetown ABSN Fall 2012

    I got it too! Congrats
  4. Georgetown ABSN Fall 2012

    I got in! Anyone
  5. Georgetown ABSN Fall 2012

  6. Georgetown ABSN Fall 2012

    I felt the same way! Only a few very generic questions and she didn't take any notes. How much weight does the essay and your GPA hold? I am assuming we will hear by Friday. Good
  7. Marymount for ASBN - Fall 2012?

    Hi! I just heard and I got in!! Anyone
  8. Marymount for ASBN - Fall 2012?

    Nope! How about
  9. GWU ABSN Fall 2012

    Has anyone else heard
  10. Georgetown ABSN Fall 2012

    Thanks...did they give you any idea of when you would hear about acceptance and the
  11. Marymount for ASBN - Fall 2012?

    Nope, I haven't! I am thinking this week too.. we should know by the 20th at the latest... good
  12. Georgetown ABSN Fall 2012

    To those that went to the info session this weekend how did it
  13. Georgetown ABSN Fall 2012

    Yes, I did. I will be interviewing for that on 4/14. Did you apply
  14. GWU ABSN Fall 2012

    Do you think we will hear
  15. Georgetown ABSN Fall 2012

    I will be attending that day as well! I also applied to George Washington and Marymount, what about