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All Content by trace10

  1. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    I didn't know either til I got dropped and had to reregister and that was the only available class I could's a bummer!
  2. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    What is the facebook account???? Does anyone take the calculations class in GC? Hope everyone is doing well!!! Trace
  3. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    If we use the book for over a year that makes me very happy. At least then I feel like I've gotten some use out of it. I took A&P 105 already jgarrit, I originally thought I was going to be an x ray tech, and I did glance through the book som...
  4. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    I wonder if anyone knows what it is like to take just one class WITHOUT having to spend a couple hundred dollars on lousy books?! It is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!! I am going to try to take anatomy with the last edition. What are your ladies' thoughts on...
  5. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    I haven't bought my book/books for the calculations class yet. How much did it cost?????
  6. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    Tues/Thurs 8:30. Tracy
  7. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    Oops, nevermind to the last questions, the results are in and I am now cleared for take off...see everyone next week at school!!!!
  8. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    Hey jgarrit, I can see in my certified profile that 3 out of the 4 background checks are complete, while the last one is still in "progress," but it doesn't show anything about the drug test, and that includes even a confirmation that I got the test ...
  9. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    Okay, off for my drug test and to stop by my docs and show the nurse my immunizations needed to see if they can/will give them to me since my insurance won't pay for them at the health center. I sure hope we can work something out!!!!!!!
  10. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    Is that all we need for the program is Major Medical???
  11. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    jgarrit, hmmm, I posted a note but don't see it anywhere, sorry. I didn't receive the email by 10 this morning so I called the customer service number on the receipt from the background check. They put the order in again for me and I received my lab ...
  12. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    KJN, during the orientation, which to me explained nothing and helped in no way!, a couple of us went up to look at the uniforms and a girl or two tried them on. I think they were mediums and these girls seemed pretty small and they were still tight...
  13. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    Did everyone do their background checks/drug tests already? I just paid for mine yesterday (always the procrastinator) and I still haven't received the email from the lab to do the test. I was hoping to get it today so I could have stopped by the lab...
  14. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    Oh my gosh, where do you get health insurance for $55 a month. I was under a group plan and when the job was lost I have to pay $385/month for COBRA. How the heck do I get health insurance for $55 a month??????????? And as far as the immunizations...
  15. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    I am not allowed to register online, or even calling for nursing classes either. I was able to register this summer for a pre req I still need but they told me that they would register me in nursing classes when I went to orientation.
  16. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    Within 7 days of the receipt of what? Do you mean after going online and paying for the background check and drug test?
  17. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    So did everyone send both disclosure forms signed back with their acceptance letters or are you taking them to orientation? Also, are we getting the information about immunizations at orientation? I just want to make sure I wasn't supposed to alrea...

    Knowing both MAs and RNs gabi, in my opinion, if you are going to go to school anyway, you may as well put in the extra time (which may be 2 years more at the most) to be an RN. In the long run, money and career wise it is just offers more.
  19. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    Should be there soon Heather if it isn't already. I feel very confident for you with 17 points. It just feels successful to me!! We'll be seeing you in May!
  20. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    After looking at the forms a little closer Kelly, I have decided the ones we sign and give to SWIC give them permission to release the results of the drug test and background check to the hospitals we will be working at, so I am just going to send th...
  21. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    I'm sorry MyGenesis. If you take the soc class and do well will it give you an extra point? If so, I say take the soc class and the 6 week cna course and get that extra point. Maybe when you retake the test you will do better next year also. Or...
  22. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    I'm IN!! I had 19 points if that matters to anyone at this point. I am not sure why I am more scared now than I have been even waiting for the letter, but I am!! And Kelly, I am with you, I am not really understanding all of those forms since we a...
  23. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    Guess nobody got that joke about the Sunday mail huh??? Hope we all get the letter we are hoping for today!!!!!
  24. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    What?! No mail on Sundays???? Is this something new in the world???????
  25. Applying to SWIC Fall 2011?

    Oh sweet, I was thinking they were each like $100 a piece. At this point I would like to fast forward 2 years...anyone with me?