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All Content by whitecream

  1. Seattle U APNI - 2010 Entry

    I don't know whether to feel happy or even more anxious. But, from your sources do you know if more apni waitlisters could expect to be accepted?
  2. Seattle U APNI - 2010 Entry

    Nothing so far. Prospects don't look to good for me, so I might have to apply next year. I hope more luck comes to you quadruple double.
  3. Seattle U APNI - 2010 Entry

    Also in the event we do get in, is there a special financial aid form for summer quarter that we have to do?
  4. Seattle U APNI - 2010 Entry

    Hollownurse, I hope your hearsay is correct. Was everyone that was interviewed waitlisted? I planned on calling them to find out, but I didn't really want to bother them at such a busy time.
  5. Seattle U APNI - 2010 Entry

    I'm losing massive amounts of sleep over this waiting! Called them the other day, and they said they were still reviewing my application! Going to call them next morning.
  6. Seattle U APNI - 2010 Entry

    Great summary quadruple-double! lets hope we can all meet each other in class this June!
  7. Seattle U APNI - 2010 Entry

    good job! you must have been their top choice!
  8. Seattle U APNI - 2010 Entry

    I was extremely nervous, but I think I did alright!
  9. Seattle U APNI - 2010 Entry

    I applied for the FNP. Which one did you apply for, when is your interview? Mine is at 3:00
  10. SU pre-reqs?

    No idea, but you should apply to the APNI program since you already have a degree. I also noticed that you are a pharmacy technician and a graduate of UW. Funny thing because I am too. I may know you. Where do you work?
  11. Seattle U APNI - 2010 Entry

    Male applicant here. I have an interview today. Wondering how many guys applied to this program.