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All Content by BandAid716

  1. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2011

    nope, not yet.. maybe SMU is waiting to collect everyone's letter of intent (due by nov. 15) before they mail the acceptance packages? i sure hope they mail it soon cuz their academic calendar says we are supposed to register for classes between 11/...
  2. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2011

    When ------ called me on Monday, she said that she will email us all the information regarding to the next steps we need to take by either Wednesday or Thursday. I am assuming that includes the date of the orientation, etc.
  3. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2011

    The first time I applied to SMU, I got waitlisted into the ELMSN program and at that point, I still had some classes in progress. They told me that they tally up everyone's points for a total score -- if you have all your classes finished by the tim...
  4. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2011

    It shows up as a 510 number from Oakland.
  5. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2011

    It was an anxious wait but I finally got the call at 1pm today. This is my 2nd time applying to SMU so don't lose hope just yet! :)
  6. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2011

    Thanks for the update! :)
  7. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2011

    The email informed applicants the opportunity of applying to the RWJ Scholarship IF they are accepted to the ABSN Spring 2011 program. So in reality, no one knows if anyone got acccepted to the San Mateo ABSN yet. Excerpt from the email: "Samuel M...
  8. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2011

    I got that scholarship email today as well but I don't know if it means anything.. so the wait continues. Hope we hear back from SMU this Friday! :)
  9. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2011

    usually 48 spots per campus.
  10. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2011

    nov. 15th is when the letters go out.
  11. Samuel Merritt ABSN Spring 2011

    I think what the person meant was that there is another cycle we could apply to that is due Sept. 1 for the SMU Oakland, San Mateo, and SF campuses. Back then, if we are waitlisted for this cycle, they send a slip along with the message to reapply fo...
  12. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    yea I got waitlisted for the ELMSN program Competition is getting tough. There are so many highly qualified people but they just don't have enough room for everyone. Hope we get in this time around! :) Which campus are you applying to?
  13. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    nursingCAS told me that unless the course title has the world "nursing" in it, the safest bet is to just list it as a regular class. I turned my application in a few weeks ago, and they were really nice about fixing all the errors I made in terms of...
  14. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    Do you know if we can submit our application even if we are still waiting on the letter of recs? :)
  15. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    I called them and emailed them for clarification. They want UNITS only -- no multiplying by 4 :)
  16. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    My university transcript uses units only....but then I also took a few classes at community colleges which lists both units and credit hours...I don't know what to put down anymore =/
  17. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    I'll email them and see if they give a more clear response. I'll let you two know once I hear back from them
  18. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    Hmm, that is weird. It makes more sense to put simply the number of units for the course (ie. 3 unit class) rather than the credit hours. However, if that's the case, why do they give us a range to choose from 0.00 to 20.00? (I would assume that 20...
  19. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    So does that mean for a 3 unit course, we put 3 units rather than 12 credit hours? My transcript only indicates the number of units for the course, and the amount of credit hours received (ie. if it is a 3 unit class, but I got an A- it becomes 11.1 ...
  20. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    Hi, I was really confused about that first as well. On the nursingCAS instructions, it says "1 credit = 4 semester hours." A credit is the same as unit, so if it is a 3 unit course, it is 3 x 4 = 12 credit hours. If it is a 5 unit course, it is 5 ...
  21. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    ill see if my letter of rec ppl will do electronic then. it does sound a lot more efficient this way :) with this new CAS system, you think there will be even more applicants than before?? since CAS is a generic application, do individual progams s...
  22. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    ohhh good to know! when did you request for the transcripts? i just requested mines 1-2 days ago. so im not sure how long it will take for it to show up on CAS. 1 week maybe?? oh yeaa.. to answer your question earlier, i ended up using both paragraph...
  23. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    I just made requested for transcripts yesterday and today. I'll let you know when mines show up in the system :) I was thinking of bullet form to make it easier on the reader as well? I might use both forms depending on how much room I have.
  24. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    Hi Victory925! I am applying to both the San Mateo and Sacramento campuses. Are you applying to both as well? :) Thanks for the clarification! Are you listing out the duties or actually writing in paragraph form for the Health/Patient Related Exp...
  25. Spring 2011 Samuel Merritt ABSN- Nursing CAS

    Hello :) I called Eugenia (one of the SMU admissions counselors) to clarify about the personal statement. I was told that with the new CAS system, they are no longer using the 3 writing samples but are instead requiring applicants to write the 500 w...