Dr. Choco

Dr. Choco

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All Content by Dr. Choco

  1. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I really hope so too. But one person from previous thread said that she was admitted from university but she was not invited to the interview. That makes me unsure. By the way, did you accept the offer by online? I clicked accept, but it said tha...
  2. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Maybe you are right. The enrollment office misunderstood me. I will email nursing department.
  3. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I am second bachelors, so same as transferred. But I have myCSUB already.in website, it says I was admitted. I also accepted the offer by online.
  4. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I went to an enrollment service this morning to ask my question. She said that I was admitted by both university and nursing dep. They will send out a letter in one or two weeks. Is this really happening? I hope I am not misunderstanding.
  5. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    You are not only one. If they had made decision last week, you should be able to call the nusing deparment to ask about your status. She would tell you. I am just too scared to call her. I think if they send email, probably in the afternoon.
  6. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Are you a continuting student or transfer student? In my case, I couldn't access to enroll in summer 2012 in any classes. It could be because I am graduating next month, or it could be because I was not accepted.
  7. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Probably, you guys are right. I was just accepted by university. But it is still good things right?
  8. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Hi CuelessNursingGuy. I know what you mean. That is why I haven’t told anyone about this yet. I am not sure if that is the final decision. Last week when I checked myCSULB, my admission status was still “completed” with a green circle. This Satu...
  9. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Hi jtran 13, Go to MyCSULB, Click Student Center scroll down untill bottom. There is Admission tab. In the Admission tab, there is my appication tab. Mine say "admitted" with a green tick.
  10. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    According to my interviewer, he said that we would be notified by an email and a letter both. I am expecting to get an email next Monday.
  11. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Thank you. I didn't think that I would get in, so I didn't tell anyone that I applied to CSULB. I will not tell anyone until I get an acceptance letter next week. I feel like I am still dreaming. I hope good luck for everybody. I know everybody tri...
  12. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Hi, everybody who is CSULB student. Open your my CSULB. I found out that I was admitted.
  13. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I am not sure if I am correct, but I was admitted to BSN program for Fall 2012. I found out when I was checking MyCSULB. If you are already CSULB student, you can check it right now. It says that I am admitted. Is this true???? I cannot believe my ...
  14. Cal State Long Beach interview

    I have applied for a nursing program this september, and I was invited to the interview for next Monday. However, it is said if you have over 90 units, you may not able to change my major. Right now, I am in Design major, and hoping to change to Nurs...
  15. Cal State Long Beach interview

    Hi, jsoriano. How are you? You are my saver. As you advised me, I have applied to BSN as a second bachelor's for Fall 2012. I am graduating next month. I haven't heard the result from Nursing Department yet though. I just wondered if my final grade...
  16. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I was checking previous threads from CSULB Fall 2011. They called 25 transfer students who got accepted on April 20th. But they were still interviewing other applicants from CSULB pre-nursing students. On April 27th, they responded other students by ...
  17. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I thought the person who got a rejection letter didn't get interview. When the person got rejection letter?
  18. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Do they send out email only for accepted students?
  19. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    That was a bad joke. But I am glad that it was not ture..
  20. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    okay. When I was reading page 63, it sounded like that they sent out email already. I thought I was not accepted since I didn't get the email. Cool! So, there is still hope......
  21. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I don't know exactly. It is 20 or 30 people? When I was reading previous thread, I found the information. I am not sure. They did it last semester too. Being alternate is so much better than being rejected. I wish that they accept me with a conditi...
  22. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Not yet. Are you? I asked my interviewer what would happen if a person failed the interview. He said that it would be disqualified. It is also true that the order of rank will not be changed. He said if the level of English communication were lower,...
  23. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I really hope so. One of my interviewer was from the Learning Resouce Center. After the interview, I went to LRC and saw him. He smiled at me. I am praying to a god everyday. I think my English is fine, but I get nervous when I have to write Engl...
  24. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Thank you for kind comment. I was at 11 am.
  25. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    English is my second language. I couldn't finish writing for second part of question on writing exam. My partner couldn't find the items I was describing. I think it was really bad. Also, partner spoke so quietly, I couldn’t hear her very well. In f...