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About golflinda2214

golflinda2214 has 40 years experience and specializes in gerontology.

I'm a sponge for learning

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  1. MDS ARD dates

    you must do a 5 day pps assessment on or before day 8, and you may also make that your adm.a ssessment for obra. then you do a 14 day assessment. no, you may not push the first assessment out to day...
  2. What is the abbreviation ELU stands for???

    Call the doc who wrote the order. These MD's are taking too many liberties wth
  3. Insurance?

    I have an endorsement to my homeowner's policy through State
  4. Why are ICU nurses so rude?

    another case of "nurses eating their young" When will it ever
  5. Salary Pay for Fresenius Medical or Davita?

    can someone point me in the right direction for learning dialysis? I have always had an interest in renal but just never was in the right place at the right time...but I am now. thank
  6. Which schedule would use choose?

    the first one, IF you are guaranteed to be finished at theend of 12 hrs. In any setting, there is the chance that you have a crisis or something that keeps you late. Think about safety on that long...
  7. Careplans and Quarterlies

    I put out MDS 3.0 hardcopies to all the "neighborhoods" and also sent along a "suggestion" list of things to chart to for the MDS (pick and choose) for each shift to be charting during the reference...
  8. Is AANAC certification worth it?

    Your facility should have the means to be paying for your membership to AANAC AND sending you through the certification program. It has paid for itself over and over and the information they provide...
  9. MDS nurse needs a break

    In this position, you know better than anyone when you have the ability to take time off and not interrupt the MDS schedule. I have a lot of autonomy, able to take off some weekdays in exchange for...
  10. how to be an efficient MDS coordinator

    it is not on a place that I can share it. If you know anything aobut Excel, you simply format the sheet with columns for your dates. If you do not know Excel, your business office people could help...
  11. medicare coordinator

    if it were me, I would find me a Medicare Bootcamp and insist on being sent. You can Google that and find the schedules of some
  12. how to be an efficient MDS coordinator

    I would say set up a spreadsheet on Excel that lists the ARDs, when the interviews are needed, assessments to be done, submission due date, date to have re-certs done, etc. I am a visual person, I...
  13. Can you have multi-licenses in two states?

    I do, in Illinois and in Wisconsin. Some states all you do is write to the Dept. of Licensing and send in the money. Hang on to you old state though. You can go "inactive" while you decide where to...
  14. wow-ltc is crazy!!!!

    Did you get a decent orientation? Were you followed on the floor (before expected to be alone) by a preceptor or someone who should have explained to you where the meds were kept? And, truly, have...
  15. After 2 months..what do you think of the MDS 3.0?

    Sorry, no. the questions MUST be asked verbatim. Not what I would want but somebody smarter than I am oredered