AgentBeast BSN, RN

Cardiology and ER Nursing


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All Content by AgentBeast

  1. Yeah no, you aren't going to easily pull out a biliary drain, and you aren't going to pull out a PICC line doing a dressing change.
  2. AgentBeast

    What's in your pockets?

    I got a little change in my pocket goin' jingalingaling
  3. AgentBeast

    Qtc and amniodarone what does it all mean

    Not all medications within the same general classification are created equal. For example carvedilol and labetalol in addition to their beta blocking effect also exert an alpha blocking effect. Sotalol is primarily a Class III antiarrhythmic (potassi...
  4. AgentBeast

    Lunch bag suggestions?

    Igloo MaxCold Hard Liner Cooler 12 : Target I got this bad boy for taking my lunch to work. Has a two slots, one on each side, that fit an ice pack. Keeps things cold enough.
  5. AgentBeast

    Questions regarding assignments

    Honestly these papers don't have to read like Shakespeare. As long as you touch on all the required areas in the rubric, and don't use direct quotes (paraphrase and cite!) you'll usually only get a couple points taken off. The only reason you'll get ...
  6. AgentBeast

    Qtc and amniodarone what does it all mean

    The longer the QT interval (or the QTc which is the QT interval corrected for heart rate) gets the greater the risk of R on T phenomenon which can lead to Torsades de Pointes. Many medication can prolong the QT interval, such has Haldol, methadone, s...
  7. AgentBeast

    Where can i buy Littman stethoscope?

  8. AgentBeast

    Charge nurse pay

    More work for the same amount of pay.
  9. AgentBeast

    Feeling Overwhelmed & Incompetent

    LOL. NPO for Surgery generally doesn't mean that you can't give anything by mouth. Meds and small sips of water are fine.
  10. AgentBeast

    Should I beome a RN?

    I'd imagine it's assembly line nursing. Where basically you are just a robot doing the master's bidding.
  11. AgentBeast

    What is your quote or mantra when it gets tough?

  12. AgentBeast

    is it nurse's week?

    Yeah some of the higher ups were going around passing out ice cream and we got gym bags too.
  13. AgentBeast

    general question.

    Can't say I've ever seen a patient with Tetanus, nor every heard of anyone having been infected with Tetanus.
  14. AgentBeast

    Pete 2000

    Cultural Perspectives and Physical Activity
  15. AgentBeast

    Pete 2000

    4560 Wasn't too bad when I took it. Typical discussion board each week, and a paper each week. Week 2 we read or watched Tuesday's with Morrie and then wrote a paper about it. Week's 3, 4 and 5 were writing about an interview you conduct with an olde...
  16. AgentBeast

    Bingo for Your Unit

    ***** this is a really good idea.
  17. Consult social work. Seriously these folks are a wealth of information regarding medication assistance programs.
  18. AgentBeast

    Today a patient asked, "Do you know Jesus?"

    Ah Jesus I like him very much, but he no help me hit curveball.
  19. AgentBeast

    this "pvt" business

    They took out the "Please contact your member board for further assistance" part of the good pop-up. Been a licensed RN for over a year and while I used to get the pop-up that had that part in it, now I get the popup without the ...member board... pa...
  20. AgentBeast

    Maybe Im missing something....

    What sort of cardiac history did this person have?
  21. AgentBeast

    Pearson Vue Trick Confusion

    Pearson changed the wording of the popup. I just did the trick and got the "good" pop-up with the exact same wording as you did. I've been an RN for over a year.
  22. AgentBeast

    Accidental Artery Stick Phlebotomy student

    LOL, dude will be fine.
  23. AgentBeast

    Med Error

    Technically it's a prescribing error then, dosing is the responsibility of the physician. Deciding when to give 5mg and when to give 10mg is outside of the RN scope of practice. The order should read something like give 5 mg for pain 1-5 and 10 mg fo...
  24. AgentBeast

    Med Error

    Were there parameters on the order? Like give 5mg for x and give 10mg for y?
  25. AgentBeast

    Prioritizing infusions

    Sort of depends on the clinical situation. Too little information is provided here. I agree with those that state the patient should get a PICC line given the likely need for longer term IV antibiotic therapy.